National Fullerton Asset Management Limited (NAFA) is a joint venture between National Bank, NIB Bank & Fullerton Fund Management (a wholly owned subsidiary of US $ 75 Billion Temasek Holdings, Singapore). NAFA is involved in the business of origination & management of mutual funds.

NAFA was incorporated a year ago and is now one of the leading Asset Management Companies in Pakistan. During this short span of time NAFA has launched three funds namely NAFA Cash Fund, NAFA Multi-Asset Fund & NAFA Stock Fund and in less than a year NAFA Cash Fund has become the largest Money Market Fund in Pakistan.

NAFA\'s management is a blend of local and foreign expertise in the field of Investment Banking and Portfolio Management including a CEO who is a US qualified PhD, 27 MBA\'s, 4 CFA\'s & senior commercial bankers together with qualified fund managers and their research team. JCR-VIS has awarded NAFA an AM2 rating and is amongst the top five Asset Management Companies in Pakistan with that rating (there is no company that been rated AM1 so far). This rating is based on the quality of the management team, risk management and operations systems. We have very strict internationally acceptable risk management policies and are audited by A.F.Fergusons Chartered Accountants.
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Operating Since