AlNajam International

AlNajam International

Dr. Fareed Najam, owner of ALNAJAM INTERNATIONAL, landed in Saudi Arabia in 1968. Having experience, background and qualifications of Pharmaceutical Product's Marketing in Pakistan was appointed as Field Manager in Saudi Arabia by a leading most American Pharmaceutical Company.
By virtue of excellent Arabic and English Language speaking power, Dr. Najam is extremely well knitted with the Saudi Medical Profession, Medical Circle like Saudi Ministry of Health, Saudi Ministry of Defense & Aviation and Saudi Ministry of National Guards. As well as all the Saudi and Multinational giant Companies in Construction and Maintenance.
Dr Najam has a track record of last 34 years of recruitment. Having recruited approximately 74000 workers for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from Philippines, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India & Pakistan.
Since the last 22 years Dr. Najam has shifted from Saudi Arabia to Pakistan and by the grace of Allah Almighty ALNAJAM is the biggest Recruiting Agency of Pakistan. In addition to Recruiting for Saudi Companies ALNAJAM is the ONLY Private Recruiting Agency of Pakistan who is appointed as the SOLE Recruiting Agent by Saudi Ministry of Health, Saudi Ministry of Defence & Aviation & Saudi Ministry of National Guards in Pakistan.
Our Responsibilities:
- Confirming the availability and the different categories of the client's Block Visa from the Saudi Embassy Pakistan.
- Obtaining Permission from the Labor and Manpower Ministry of Pakistan for recruitment of workers.
- Placing of advertisement of vacancies in the Publicity Media of the Pakistan for selection of workers.r
- Constitution of Interview Board.
- Interviewing, Trade Testing and Managing Medical Examination of the prospective candidates, along with necessary vaccinations.
- Academic experience certificates verifications from concerned authorities.
- Police clearance for any suspected criminal record.r
- Preparation of Passport.
- Preparation of Foreign Service agreement as per rule of Government Pakistan.
- Preparation of Service agreements/contracts between the candidates and the principals.
- Attestation of the above agreements/contracts from the Protectorate of Immigrants.
- Submission of Passports of the candidates along with their service agreements/contracts to the Saudi Embassy for Visa Endorsements.
- Retrieving documents of the recruited candidate from Saudi Embassy.
- Briefing Session with Candidates-Explaining rule, Regulations, Climate and DOS/DONS of the Employer's company and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- Booking of next available flight for their departure to the cities of their destination and Emailing/Faxing the Employer at least 4/5 days in advance the complete details of the arriving candidates and Flight Numbers.
- Dispatching of worker's medical reports, licenses, photographs, and attested academic, Professional and experience certificates to the Employer.
No. of Employees