
I have 22 years of extensive and progressively reflective work experience in the development sector, with 20 years of specifically working in monitoring and evaluation (ME) portfolio. I have demonstrated competencies of envisioning, planning, coordinating, evaluating and researching education, development and humanitarian projects at regional and national levels and possess an in-depth knowledge of designing logframe (LFA) and results framework (RBM), field based monitoring, designing of monitoring and evaluation mechanisms, using a participatory approach, designing and planning of surveys, designing and conducting process and summative evaluations, along with the skills of data analysis, data management, data visualization and descriptive analysis reports.


Translation assignment with Community World Service Asia
Translation assignment with Children First
Translation assignment for Sindhi magazine
Translation assignment with Sindh Education Foundation
Translation assignment with MSI
Translation assignment with Plan International Pakistan
Translation assignment with Collective for Social Science Research
Translation assignment with SABAQ Multinet Pvt. Ltd.


Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist
Sindh Social Protection Authority
Nov 2023 - 代表 | Karachi, Pakistan

·       Developed M&E framework and M&E plan of project;
·       Conceptualized and implemented M&E dashboard in project’s MIS;
·       Developed and placed M&E system for project;
·       Tracked and disseminated progress on project indicators through collection of quantitative and qualitative data from primary and secondary sources;
·       Developed log-frame, monitoring plans and relevant data-collection systems for tracking and monitoring of project activities;
·       Reviewed the quality of existing data in the project areas and methods of collecting it by conducting data quality audits;
·       Analysed baseline and midline data from existing data sources for each project component and for all project indicators;
·       Developed ToRs for procurement of consultancy services for surveys/baselines, assessments including mid and end-term evaluations, impact evaluation, operations review;
·       Reviewed inception and other related deliverables submitted by the Operations Review and Third-Party Evaluation (TPE) firm, provided feedback and advised project management on quality of deliverables as per the TORs;
·       Developed qualitative and quantitative data collection tools and trained M&E and project teams to administer;
·       Participated in technical evaluation of bids including pre-bid and negotiations meetings for various procurement activities related to M&E;
·       Conducted qualitative and quantitative data analysis using statistical analysis tools in support with MIS;
·       Identified and documented lessons learnt from monitoring, routine data collection, short-term assessments;
·       Designed data sharing protocols for third party evaluation firm and implementing partner;
·       Acted as focal point for data sharing with internal components of project and external stakeholders;
Participated in stakeholder mapping, consultation meetings and workshops with third party evaluators and other M&E related activities.

Third Party Monitoring and Verification Consultant
Central Asia Institute
Aug 2023 - Nov 2023 | Islamabad, Pakistan

·       Designed project impact assessment criteria to evaluate effectiveness and efficiency of project activities;
·       Designed sampling plan and survey plan to monitor and verify the project activities;
·       Developed qualitative and quantitative data collection tools;
·       Conducted spot checks at sites to determine whether the program activities and services are implemented as per the approved program proposal and budget;
·         Analysed and reviewed the effectiveness of project approach to address the situation/problem, cost efficiency and impact of the currently implemented program activities and ways toward sustainability;
Generated evaluation report with data findings of interviews and spot checks including photo evidences.

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Manager
ACTED Pakistan
Feb 2019 - Jul 2023 | Islamabad, Pakistan

• Designed logframe for the project;
• Designed MEL framework;
• Designed MEL strategy;
• Designed baseline, midline and end line ToRs of the project;
• Designed process monitoring tools;
• Designed learning and data management mechanism for the project;
• Managed implementing partner’s M&E strategy with alignment of project’s
• Conducted field monitoring visits;
• Supported implementation team to design area and beneficiaries selection
• Supported database administrator to conceptualize and design MIS for

Data Collection Lead for End Line Study of Sindh Reading Project
Management Systems International (MSI)
Oct 2018 - Nov 2018 | Karachi, Pakistan

• Designed data collection plan for 8 districts of Sindh;
• Formed 48 teams for data collection in 8 districts of Sindh;
• Ensured data collection plan is followed by all teams;
• Ensured logistics arrangement for the teams;
• Consolidated data collection reports on daily basis.

Consultant for Technology Based Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism
Children Global Network (CGN)
Apr 2018 - Aug 2018 | Islamabad, Pakistan

• Designed M&E mechanism for the Parwaan project;
• Designed key performance indicators (KPIs) for Parwaan project;
• Conceptualized MIS for M&E component of the organization;
• Placed technology based M&E system for Parwaan project.

Manager Monitoring and Evaluation
SABAQ Multinet Pvt. Ltd.
Jan 2017 - Mar 2018 | Karachi, Pakistan

• Designed and implemented M&E framework for the project;
• Designed and implemented output key performance indicators;
• Led and conceptualized android based online evaluation module software or M&E reporting and analysis;
• Designed and implemented data collection and management plan aligned with data quality standards for M&E section;
• Designed and implemented knowledge management and learning mechanism aligned with business development plan;
• Designed and implemented analysis framework for classroom observation;
• Designed and implemented survey tools for process monitoring.

Consultant for Survey and Android Data Collection Application Design
Collective for Social Science Research
Jul 2016 - Dec 2016 | Karachi, Pakistan

• Designed android based data collection application for nutritional impact survey with Urdu interface;
• Designed survey instruments, survey plan and data analysis plan for nutritional impact survey.

Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning Officer
Community World Service Asia
Sep 2015 - Mar 2016 | Islamabad, Pakistan

• Designed baseline survey and generated descriptive and infographics report for the project;
• Designed process monitoring instruments for the activities;
• Designed reporting procedures, lessons learning and risk register sheets through online procedure for project and management team;
• Conducted process monitoring for project’s activities;
• Assigned as focal point for data bank and coordination with donor regarding M&E;
• Facilitated project team to measure performance of stakeholders through statistical formulas.
• Conducted process evaluation for the training events of project;
• Generated quarterly progress report of project for donor.
• Designed and collected qualitative and quantitative data for baseline and end line activities.
• Analyzed qualitative and quantitative data.

Deputy Study Manager
ACF International | Action Against Hunger
Jan 2015 - Aug 2015 | Dadu, Pakistan

• ACF International has implemented DFID funded research study;.
• Designed research study protocols;
• Designed data management plan;
• Designed strategy for intervention of action research;
• Designed databases to collect data on smart phones through ODK;
• Designed field plans for 72 persons’ teams;
• Supported to design baseline and monthly qualitative and quantitative questions;
• Supported to design process evaluation questions;
• Implemented the process evaluation;
• Designed strategies and methodologies for collection of qualitative and quantitative data collection
• Translated all the research material and database questions in Sindhi.

Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator
Plan International Pakistan
Nov 2013 - Jan 2015 | Thatta, Pakistan

• Designed LogFrame for safer school project;
• Designed M&E plan for safer school project;
• Designed ToRs for baseline survey of project;
• Designed participatory M&E framework;
• Designed field activities\' monitoring tools.
• Designed questionnaires for qualitative and quantitative data collection.

Survey Expert
Basic Education For Awareness, Reforms and Empowerment (BEFARe)
Jan 2013 - Oct 2013 | Karachi, Pakistan

• BEFARE implemented USAID funded project;
• Designed outcome and output indicators for evaluation survey of different grants on violent extremism;
• Designed survey methodologies, strategies for qualitative and quantitative data collection and sample plans for evaluation studies;
• Designed and generated evaluation reports with cross tabulations of multiple indicators for innovative data visualization.

Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer
Internews Europe
Aug 2011 - Dec 2012 | Islamabad, Pakistan

• IE implemented European Union funded project;
• Designed logframe with support of programme teams using participatory approach;
• Designed trainings evaluation questionnaires and pre and post tests for participants, database of questionnaires and graphical analysis of questions;
• Designed surveys’ methodologies and made plans for those, conducted focus group discussions with stakeholders, created descriptive reports with recommendations and remedial actions on findings;
• Designed graphical analysis frameworks for different trainings’ checklists
• Involved in updating logframe on monthly basis;
• Focal person for data management and information dissemination to programme teams’ head.

Monitoirng and Reporting Coordinator
WWF Pakistan
Mar 2011 - Jul 2011 | Karachi, Pakistan

• WWF-P implemented flood relief project funded by International Relief and Development;
• Monitored the distribution of non-food items (NFIs) and led 8 persons’ team in two districts of Sindh;
• Supervised the cash for work activity with documentation and verification of identities of communities and T-shelters distribution;
• Created project’s progress reports on monthly and quarterly basis and submitted to donor.
• Took lead role to design field plans for field teams to finish tasks on time.

M and E Specialist (ED-LINKS Project)
Management Systems International (MSI)
May 2008 - Feb 2010 | Karachi, Pakistan

• MSI was the partner of USAID funded project;
• Assisted the process for designing of results framework with my supervisors;
• Designed baseline survey questionnaire according to objectives of project
• Generated graphical analysis of data
• Monitored ongoing project’s activities and generated reports for line manager.
• Involved to highlight project’s direction at different forums and discussed it with supervisors;
• Involved to make descriptive report of baseline study.

Assistant Manager Monitoirng and Evaluation
Sindh Education Foundation (SEF)
Jun 2000 - Apr 2008 | Karachi, Pakistan

• SEF implemented 6 projects on community based girls primary schools in Sindh;
• Designed survey plans, monthly monitoring questionnaires for all projects;
• Generated graphical analysis and descriptive analytical reports;
• Led m&e team and designed survey and monitoring plans for them;
• Involved to present project’s situational information;
• Focal person for data management and information dissemination to project managers.


University of Sindh
硕士, , M.Sc. in Computer Science‎
Computer Science


熟练 monitoring and evaluation
熟练 360 Assessments
熟练 Accounts Administration
熟练 Achieve Results
中级 Action Research Implementation
熟练 Action Researching
熟练 Adaptive Leadership
熟练 Adaptive Learning
熟练 Adaptive Management
熟练 Advanced Excel Skills
熟练 Advisory Skills
中级 Advocacy
熟练 Analytic Skills
熟练 Analytical
熟练 Analytical And Information Management
熟练 Analytical Review
熟练 Analytical Skills
熟练 Android Based Data Collection App Design
熟练 Aseptic Technique Knowledge
中级 Budgeting
熟练 Capacity Assessment
中级 CEM Deployment
中级 Change Management
熟练 CHS & DEC Accountability
中级 Coding
熟练 Collaboration
熟练 Command Over Data Processing
中级 Communication And Written Skill
熟练 Communication Skills
中级 Communication Writing Skills
熟练 Compliance
熟练 Computer Knowledge
熟练 Computer Proficient
熟练 Concentration In Specific Subject
熟练 Conducting Impact Assessments
熟练 Consensus Building
熟练 Cooordination Skills
熟练 Coordinate Meeting
熟练 Coordination
熟练 Coordination Abilities
熟练 Coordination Skills
熟练 CRM Databases Command
熟练 Customer Service Skills
熟练 Dashboards And Reports
熟练 Data Analysis
熟练 Data Analysis Skills
熟练 Data Analytics
熟练 Data Collection
熟练 Data Governance
熟练 Data Management


初学者 Saraiki
中级 英语
熟练 乌尔都语
熟练 信德语

Omparkash 联系人

Ali Raza
Pakistan Council Of Research In Water Resources (PCRWR)
Kazim Hussain Lashari
Idara e Taleem O Agahi
Imdad ALI Ali Chachar
Action against hunger ACF
Asad Ali Qureshi
Roltic Pvt. Ltd
Birahmani Ghulam Haider
Associated Consulting Engineers – ACE (Pvt.) Ltd