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Seedout is a Registered non-profit organization that aims to maximize the impact of Islamic compliant microfinance through our crowd-funding platform.

At Seedout, you can fund directly to micro-entrepreneurs, helping us to alleviate poverty sustainably through creating jobs, raising entrepreneurs and creating economic stability. With our innovative micro-franchising model and robust micro-funding platform, you can be sure your donation, zakat or sadaqah will be delivered to the entrepreneurs of your choice, along with the training and guidance to get them off the ground. Because we don't provide them hard cash, we start the business for them.

The process is simple. Browse profiles of entrepreneurs. Fund them directly to their start-ups or growing business. Follow there progress. And sit back and watch your money change lives. learn more

Why Micro-Finance through Seedout?
Charity and relief work don’t provide sustainable solutions to poverty. (give a man a fish)
Enterprise solutions to poverty provide sustainable solutions. (teach a man to fish)

At Seedout, Micro Finance provides small funds to poor entrepreneurs through our crowd-funding platform who are typically trying to start, sustain or expand a small or micro-business. In Pakistan alone out of the total 40 million living below the poverty line, 30 million live in rural areas. Despite a highly educated and entrepreneurial labor force, where 90% of businesses are micro-enterprises, it is estimated that less than 20% of Pakistanis are eligible to secure traditional forms of credit.

Our crowd-funding platform fixes the funding problem by leveraging the internet to help and support unprivileged individuals and communities to fulfill their dreams simultaneously alleviating poverty sustainably. The existing reality deprives the majority of Pakistanis the right to meet their most everyday needs, let alone the right to build sustainable and empowering households and communit