International Credit Information Ltd
785 关注者

International Credit Information Ltd

ICIL -Pakistan owns country major Business information database and have access to the database of its partners in different countries which its uses to provide local & global business information . ICIL -I.T Enabled business information have different contents to meet the specific requirement of its banking and non–banking customers . ICIL products are managed by four business units ;

( 1 ) Local & Global Business Information

( 2 ) System based Local & Global Debt Collection

( 3 ) Degree Verification & Employee Background Screening information fro local and global sources using global database & Network of its foreign partners

( 4 ) AML-KYC Information using LexNexisworldCompliance Watchlist

ICIL-Pakistan has Six branch offices in major industrial Cities and have field Debt Collection centers in additional seven towns . All major banks and big corporates are its customers .

ICIL Technologies Ltd ( ICIL-tek ) is a Technology company which has five business units ;

( 1 ) ERP Solution for SMEs & System Integration

( 2 ) Biometric Solution ( Finger Tip, Palm Vein , Retina Scanning , Face Recognition & Voice Authentication .
( 3 ) RFID Solution

( 4 ) Business Continuity & I.T.D.R Consulting

( 5 ) Security Surveillance

ICIL-tek each technology solution have known foreign technology companies a its partner

ICIL -Pakistan owns country major Business information database and have access to the database of its partners in different countries which its uses to provide local & global business information . ICIL -I.T Enabled business information have different contents to meet the specific requirement of its banking and non–banking customers . ICIL products are managed by four business units ;

( 1 ) Local & Global Business Information

( 2 ) System based Local & Global Debt Collection

( 3 ) Degree Verification & Employee Background Screening information fro local and global sources using global database & Network of its foreign partners

( 4 ) AML-KYC Information using LexNexisworldCompliance Watchlist

ICIL-Pakistan has Six branch offices in major industrial Cities and have field Debt Collection centers in additional seven towns . All major banks and big corporates are its customers .

ICIL Technologies Ltd ( ICIL-tek ) is a Technology company which has five business units ;

( 1 ) ERP Solution for SMEs & System Integration

( 2 ) Biometric Solution ( Finger Tip, Palm Vein , Retina Scanning , Face Recognition & Voice Authentication .
( 3 ) RFID Solution

( 4 ) Business Continuity & I.T.D.R Consulting

( 5 ) Security Surveillance

ICIL-tek each technology solution have known foreign technology companies a its partner