Fuelers Group
134 关注者

Fuelers Group

pThe Fuelers is one of the outstanding Oil, Coal and Rice-husk trading Groups of Pakistan and possesses a well to speak network to serve the Independent Power Plants (IPPs), Captive Power Plants (CPPs), Textile, Cement, Iron & Steel and Building & Road Construction as well as Automotive Sector companies and a number of production units in different cities of Pakistan. We are proud of fully committed ourselves with our national heritage & tradition of excellence in meeting the energy needs of present days & rising challenges of tomorrow as well. The Fuelers have stood the test of time since 1995. It is worth mentioning here that The Fuelers has successfully motivated itself as Reseller, Small Drop, Retailer and Bulk Supplier of High Sulpher Furnace Oil (H.S.F.O.), High Speed Diesel Oil (H.S.D.O.), Light Diesel Oil (L.D.O.), SKO (Kerosene Oil), Lubricants, Coal, Rice-husk, Yarn and Fabric etc. and have, so, far, successfully achieved a commendable excessive volume in a very short period of its inception. Thats why we now quite justifiably look forward to step into a new era of a much brighter and expanded prosperous business./p