First Habib Modaraba
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First Habib Modaraba

pIn today's business environment when customized financial solutions and personalized services make a big difference, the First Habib Modaraba (FHM) by virtue of its expertise and experience leads from the front and deliver up to the entire satisfaction of its stakeholders. The Habib Group with vast experience in the industrial, financial and commercial sectors floated FHM in 1985. The basic aim of the FHM was to make contribution towards the transformation of our mercantile as well as financial system and dealings in line with principles elaborated in Sharia FHM commenced its business operation in March 1985, with initial capital of Rs.25.0 million only. Continuing with solid, dynamic and prudent approach now Allhamdolliah, the FHM has a total equity base of over Rs.2.80 billion and an asset size of approximately of Rs.3.8 billion. FHM is a multipurpose Modaraba involved in various Islamic Financial Services like Ijara, Morabaha, Diminishing Musharakah, Salam, Istisna and various other Islamic Financial Products. The Management of FHM has always given emphasis on building-up quality lease portfolio. The efficacy of FHM's business strategy and prudent risk management policies has supported the management to maintain outstanding assets quality while ensuring sustainability of performance, despite the increasingly competitive operating environment in Pakistan's financial market. Efficient customer services and high client value has always been FHM's objective. The fast pace of changes in the Islamic financial service industry needs more innovations in order to meet customer's demand. So far the FHM has achieved considerable growth in size while maintaining solid assets portfolio, sound capital base and handsome return to stakeholders. FHM draw its success by complying with highest ethical and moral standards and always try to make efforts to enhance superior professional competencies. The management always believes in steady growth and not the policy of aggressive employment of Modaraba's fund. Efforts have always been made to enlarge the area of business in a prudent manner and execute funding transactions judiciously on selective basis with in-depth assessment of client. Business transactions have always been done on economic considerations, keeping in view the safety of investor's funds. Through judicious administration of funds and sound investment policies, the FHM has assembled a very lucrative assets portfolio that has consistently yielded very attractive returns. The sustainable success is most likely to be achieved by only those institutions that take the broadest view of their responsibilities. In pursuit of creation of higher and higher value for stakeholders, FHM have remained absolutely and totally committed to Good Corporate Governance and Best Business Practices. FHM is firmly committed to its well-defined and focused strategy. All success stem from one common root, i.e. the skills and expertise of team, which fueled by sheer commitment, dedication and hard work. It can be judged with the performance of FHM of over two decades and this would convince that Stability of Operation� and Sustainability of Growth� are well achieved in every year. It can be observed that FHM is much stronger today in terms of the Healthy size of Equity, strong Balance Sheet Footing and sound Profitability with stronger management talent and vibrant Human Resource. The management of FHM is confident that they will keep embarking their ambitious target with high level of customer satisfaction. FHM will continue to keep its growth momentum with dedication and deep sense of commitment while maintaining financial discipline, adhering to professional and moral codes./p