Faysal Bank Limited
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Faysal Bank Limited

Faysal Bank Limited was incorporated in Pakistan on October 3rd, 1994 as a Public Limited Company under the Companies Ordinance, 1984. The Bank’s shares are listed on Pakistan Stock Exchange. Faysal Bank is engaged in Commercial, Retail, Corporate and Islamic banking activities. Barkat is the dedicated Islamic Banking Division of Faysal Bank offering Shariah compliant banking products and services for all segments of the market through its 197 full-fledged Islamic banking branches.

Faysal Bank’s footprint now spreads over more than 120 cities with over 400 (including 197 Islamic) branches. With total assets in excess of PKR 444.5 billion, placing it amongst the significant players in Pakistan’s banking industry. Faysal Bank’s ambition is to provide par excellence service to its customers while meeting their financial needs.

Faysal Bank Limited has been duly licensed as a Commercial Bank by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP). Barkat, the dedicated Islamic Banking division of Faysal Bank has also been provided the license to operate as a standalone division having separate Islamic operations from conventional. It carries on banking business activities in line with the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962.
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