Al Razi Healthcare
8 关注者

Al Razi Healthcare

Our Vision
To provide safe and high quality care to our patients which are affordable, timely, and appropriate and grounded firmly in the principles of evidence based medicine.
Our Mission
To be the a centre of clinical excellence in Ambulatory Healthcare services, Diagnostics and Elective surgery for the people of Pakistan and the region.
To promote Education and Training, including professional training, in matters relating to health.
To establish a Centre for Evidence Based Medicine that will promote Clinical Research in Pakistan and the region and disseminate the results of such research.
Our Values
Put the patient and their care at the centre of everything we do .
Provide ethical, safe, effective and value for money services for our patients.
Recognise the contribution of our staff and provide a capable workforce.
Ensure equality and value diversity.
Support people to take responsibility for their own health.