Fakhruddin Akber Ali

Fakhruddin Akber Ali

Fakhruddin Akber Ali a company specialized in Iron and Steel sales and supplies of related items. The company contains full range of Local & Imported Structural Steel, Profiles & Hot rolled Steel Plates etc. Our aim is full customer satisfaction with the supply of requisite item acquired. In our country more than 80% of all steel products move from the producing mills to steel service centers where we add value through processing (cutting, slitting, leveling, bending, drilling, treating, etc.) and quick deliveries. Approximately 40% of FAA\'s customers are manufacturers of products containing steel, 35% are steel fabricators (construction related), 20% are heavy construction contractors, and the remainder is converters and other intermediaries. Our goodwill with established customers is based on their record of continuous transaction and repeated orders. We look forward to hear from you on any queries related to iron and steel. Please feel free to contact us for any assistance.
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