Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport

Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport

The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport is the professional body for everyone in the logistics, passenger transport, transport planning and related industries and is dedicated to supporting, developing and representing all specialisms at all stages of career development.

Membership of CILT, which is represented in more than 30 countries across the world, gives you the tools you need to realise your ambitions and progress throughout your career, by keeping you informed of the latest news and information as well as by providing comprehensive opportunities for continuous professional development.

The objectives of the Institute of Transport as set out in the original Royal Charter are:

- To promote, encourage and co-ordinate the study and advancement of the science and art of transport in all its branches.
- To initiate and maintain investigation and research into the best means and methods of the conduct and handling of the traffic and the most satisfactory solution of all problems involved therein and all questions ancillary or subsidiary thereto.
- To extend, increase and disseminate knowledge and exchange information and ideas in regard to all matters connected therewith and to assist and further in all practicable ways the development and improvement of transport, transit, locomotion and the conduct and handling of traffic in the higher interest of our people.