
I have more than five years. of experience in application development in PHP

Expertise in PHP Laravel,CodeIgniter 3 ,Codeigniter 4 ,AngularJs ,Wordpress, MySQL , Bootstrap 4, JavaScript, CSS, Ajax.

Knowledge of webhosting.

Ability to Manage projects, possess good interpersonal and analytical skills and a strong team



One-App (One solution for multiple businesses )
Diners (Restaurant Reservations System)
American Hospital Dubai
Point of Sale Multi Businesses
Freshly Product Selling and Delivering
jetour app
Feedbacks Services and Admin Panel


Senior Software Developer & Team Lead (PHP)
Yonasi Pvt.
Jan 2023 - 代表 | Lahore, Pakistan

Working there as an PHP team lead. My primarely foucus here on EMR product which is used in USA. I'm responible of manageing all its module codeing wise and also server side managemnet as well.

Senior Software Developer & Team Lead (PHP, Laravel)
Ignite Solutions Pvt.
Jan 2022 - Dec 2022 | Lahore, Pakistan

Ignite Solutions is a Saudi based software house and there as a Team Lead - Laravel responsible for managing back-end services and the interchange of data between the server and the users.
My primary focus will be the development of all server-side logic, definition and maintenance of the central database, and ensuing high performance and responsiveness to requests from the front-end.I'm working on POS and Resturant reservation system mange its admin panel and also responible to provide API's to mobile applications.

Software Engineer(PHP Developer)
Bester Capital Media
Nov 2021 - Jan 2022 | Lahore, Pakistan

Troubleshoot, test and maintain the core product software and databases to ensure strong optimization and functionalityContribute in all phases of the development lifecycleFollow industry best practicesDevelop and deploy new features to facilitate related procedures and tools if necessary

Sr. PHP Laravel and CodeIgniter 3,4 Developer
Whetstonez pvt
Jan 2021 - Nov 2021 | Lahore, Pakistan

Work on an independent projects realted to PHP using Codeigniter 4 , Laravel 8
Write “clean”, well-designed code
Produce detailed specifications
Troubleshoot, test and maintain the core product software and databases to ensure strong optimization and functionality
Contribute in all phases of the development lifecycle
Follow industry best practices
Develop and deploy new features to facilitate related procedures and tools if necessary

Web Developer / PHP Web Developer
United Vission
Jan 2019 - Jan 2021 | Lahore, Pakistan

Development of reusable code.
Development and implementation of Core functionality and support tools.
Understand the business and functional requirements.
Handled the CMS (Front End programming).
Iterative testing and code reviews through development of the application.
Developed the system Unit.
Integration Testing & debugging.
Hands on experience in Coding, Testing, Implementation/Maintenance Support in PHP and MySQL.
Extensive development of jQuery, JavaScript , AngularJS.
Hand experience in E-commerce open sources (Opencart, PrestaShop, oscommerce).
Hands on experience in using Codeigniter Framework to develop a web application.


Superior University Lahore
硕士, 科学硕士学位, Masters in Computer Science‎
Applied Mathematics, Computer, Physics Education
CGPA 3.7/4
University of Sargodha
学士, 理工学士, BCS‎
Computer, Mathematics, Physics
所占比重 60%


熟练 MySQL
中级 AngularJS
中级 APIs
熟练 CodeIgniter Framework.
中级 CorePHP
熟练 Executing Content
中级 Git
中级 HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP
中级 Jira
熟练 Laravel Framework
中级 Linux Server Management
中级 MySQL
中级 NodeJs
中级 Payment Knowledge
中级 Team Lead
中级 Vue.js
初学者 WordPress


熟练 乌尔都语
中级 英语