
Working as a Administrator with PPHI secondary care Larkana at THQ Dokri and RHC Badah from 29th January 2022 to date ,during that following major responsibilities are assigned.

.To ensure the Quality health services to the deserving patients of the suburb.

.To ensure the proper regularity and punctuality of the staff with close monitoring and supervision

.proper dispose of Hospital waste Management. 

Functionality of Emergency services 24/7

To improve the quality of MNCH services 24/7 without any discrimination

 To ensure the Quality services of Ambulances.

District Manager with Integrated Health Services at Sanghar • To provide the Monitoring and supervision of 06 Government Rural Health Centers ,• To ensure the NVDs at hospital level through trained health care providers • To provide the MNCH and Neonatal health services for mother and Child health at facility level under the supervision of MOs, LHVs, Staff Nurse and Midwives. Project Manager with RSPN at District Ghotki and khairpur for Child rights in Cotton farming areas of the area during that to monitor the field activities and to Promote the accountability and ensure compliance, for Quality and Accountability, including the complaint and response mechanism (CRM) Worked as a Provincial Coordinator with Mercy Corps International To keep the Close Coordination with DG Health, Secretary Population Welfare, Director MNCH, Provincial Coordinator National program, Project Director EPI and Implement the activities at District level for to achieve the outcomes of the project. To monitor and supervise the Trickle down training of LHWs, Health Care providers, LHVs, CMWs, Nurse on IPC tool kits and Community Support Group methodology in 10 Districts of Sindh. Exposure Visit of Bangladesh to visit the BRAC, Gonoshasthaya Kendra, and Gono Kallayan Trust Organizations Attended 05 days advanced TOT on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) from 19th to 23rd May 2012 at HANDS- ICD Karachi Campus organized by HANDS ICD with Collaboration of Medico International (MI) and BRAC Bangladesh. Exposure Visit of Srilanka to visit the SEED Organization and other Field activities of other organizations Exposure visit of Turkey to visit the Historical places, Meeting with NGOs and Recreational places 09 days Training of Trainers Workshop on Provision of Client Centered Family Planning Services(CCFPS)organized by Population Council Islamabad at Karachi. Workshop on Strengthening District Population and Health System


Administrator PPHI Secondary
District Manager Integrated Health Services (IHS)
Project Manager with RSPN at District Ghotki and Khairpur
Provincial Coordinator with Mercy Corps International
District Executive Manager with HANDS at Ghotki
District Coordinator in FALAH Project with HANDS
Project Coordinator -DRM with Takhleeq Foundation
Monitoring Officer with Mercy Corps in Flood areas


Jan 2022 - 代表 | Larkana, Pakistan

Working as a Administrator with PPHI secondary care Larkana at THQ Dokri and RHC Badah from 29th January 2022 to date ,during that following major responsibilities are assigned.
.To ensure the Quality health services to the deserving patients of the suburb.
.To ensure the proper regularity and punctuality of the staff with close monitoring and supervision
.proper dispose of Hospital waste Management. 
Functionality of Emergency services 24/7
To improve the quality of MNCH services 24/7 without any discrimination 
To ensure the Quality services of Ambulances

District Manager
Integrated Health Services (IHS)
Oct 2018 - Nov 2021 | Sanghar, Pakistan

District Manager with Integrated Health Services at Sanghar 1st October 2018 to 3rd November 2021 • To provide the Monitoring and supervision of 06 Government Rural Health Centres hospitals of the District to ensure the supply of Medicines and logistic Support to provide the better health services without any interruption • To ensure the regularity and punctuality of the about 300 Government as well as IHS inducted staff at facility level. • Close Coordination with District Govt: line department and District Health office for better implementation of the services • To ensure the proper Consumption of petty cash through Medical Superintendent of the concerned health facilities. • Monitoring and Evaluation of the field activities for better implementation of the outcomes. • To ensure the Service delivery for expected health outcomes for Marginalized Community of the area. • To ensure the NVDs at hospital level through trained health care providers • To provide the MNCH and Neonatal health services for mother and Child health at facility level under the supervision of MOs, LHVs, Staff Nurse and Midwives. • To participate in the Monthly polio Eradication meetings at DC office as well as Progress review Meetings at District level. • To prepare weekly, Monthly and Quarterly reports for further process
To ensure the proper functionality of NSC at facility level with the support of PPHI District team. 

Project Manager
Rural Support Program Network(RSPN)
Jan 2017 - Dec 2017 | Ghotki, Pakistan

Working as Project Manager with RSPN at District Ghotki and khairpur for Child rights in Cotton farming areas of the area during that to monitor the field activities and to Promote the accountability and ensure compliance, for Quality and Accountability, including the complaint and response mechanism (CRM).
Promote accountability and ensure compliance for Quality and Accountability, including the complaint and response mechanism (CRM),
in addition to above to organize the LEP training at Community level and disburse the Cheques to the BISP beneficiaries to establish their small business at house hold level to reduce the poverty that has leaded to enroll the out of school children to continue their education with the support of targeted business.
Develop productive working relationships with Government, Non-Governmental institutions and other project partners
Participate in the relevant sub-cluster meetings and other related forum at provincial and national level
Compile the monthly statistics and activity report and submit to Programme Coordinator/Manager.
Report and communicate the progress and achievement of specific assigned objectives as per the project work plan and finalize reports with concerned institutions.
Organize regularly evaluation meetings of team members
Organize monthly meetings with the team and report the outcome to line manager
Ensure that lessons and best practices derived through implementation of project are well articulated and documented
Establishing network with the INGOs, UN agencies, local authorities and other actors in the areas

provincial Coordinator
Mercy Corps
Apr 2016 - Dec 2016 | Karachi, Pakistan

By the service tenure to keep the Close Coordination with DG Health, Secretary Population Welfare, Director MNCH, Provincial Coordinator National program, Project Director EPI and Implement the activities at District level ,to achieve the outcomes of the project.
To monitor and supervise the Trickle down trainings of LHWs, Health Care providers, LHVs, CMWs, Nurse on IPC tool kits and Community Support Group methodology in 10 Districts of Sindh.
To prepare the Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly Reports and work plan for better implementation of the project activities in the Districts.
The Provincial Coordinator (Sindh) will serve as the primary focal point for Mercy Corps in Sindh for the implementation of a USAID funded Health Communication Project (HCP). Johns Hopkins University Center for Communications Program (JHUCCP) is the prime for this 4-year program (2014-2018), and Mercy Corps is a key-implementing partners. The Health Communications Project (HCP) builds into USAID’s overall Maternal and Child Health program in Pakistan by enabling coordinating Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) systems at the national, provincial, district and community level. HCP is being implemented in ten districts of Sindh.
The Provincial Coordinator will oversee the implementation of activities under Health Communication Project in ten districts of Sindh. The IPC Coordinator will be responsible to ensure quality and timely implementation of activities in accordance with the work plan, and in close coordination with the National Interpersonal Communication Coordinator. S/he will oversee regional and district teams in Sindh, and will be responsible for regular M&E visits of project sites. S/he will also be responsible to prepare periodic project reports.
Coordination and Leadership
Ensure overall planning, on-schedule implementation and achievement of MC’s workplan
As Mercy Corps’ main point of contact within the consortium in Sindh, effectively liaise between JHUCCP.

District Executive Manager
Health and Nutrition Development Society
Oct 2010 - Apr 2016 | Ghotki, Pakistan

• Worked as District Executive Manager Ghotki with HANDS from 1st April 2010 to 24th April 2016
Worked as District Executive Manager Ghotki to look after the DFID II 54000 one room Shelter, 1000 Emergency Roofing kits through MYHP project, Community Based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) and Reproductive Health through Social Marketing, RHSP led by PSI, Disaster Prevention and Disaster Resilient Rehabilitation (DPDRR) project Since December 2012 to date by providing the required services to the Deserving Communities of the District.

In addition to above to keep the Close Coordination with Stake holders and line departments for better implementation of the projects and prepare Monthly and Quarterly Reports of the projects.

During the RHSP project 300 Marvi workers were identified and trained in non LHWS areas by providing the reproductive health services at door step with the Close Coordination of the District Government, Health Department, and population welfare, National Program for FP& PHC, PPHI and Community notables and trained the 300 Religious leaders on birth spacing in the Contest of Religion.

In addition to above to organise the District Technical Committee (DTC) Meetings and District Health and Population Management team DHPMT) to review the progress on monthly and Quarterly basis

To ensure the availability of Contraceptives at field level through CRL-6 logistic form of District Population Welfare Officer and monitoring and supervision for Quality Assurance.

Monitoring officer with Mercy Corps
Aug 2010 - Sep 2010 | Sukkur, Pakistan

• Monitoring officer with Mercy Corps Pakistan in Flood areas.
From 25th August to 30th September 2010

Worked as Monitoring Officer to monitor the field activities of IPs in District Khairpur, Kashmore kandhkot, sukkur and Ghotki,
To Maintain the proper filing system of monitoring and data related documents in hard as well as in soft.
To extendthe needful support to program teams to track progress of the project activities in line with the agreed output and outcome level performance indicators and beneficiary numbers using standardized formats and systems, to establish/maintain data storage and dissemination systems.

•District Coordinator
Mercy Corps
Apr 2008 - Aug 2010 | Ghotki, Pakistan

• District Coordinator FALAH project Ghotki with Mercy corps Pakistan
From 14th April 2008 to 24th August 2010

Worked as District Coordinator FALAH project Ghotki with Mercy Corps Pakistan By the duties to monitor the overall district activities of FALAH project & work closely with stake holders, Health & Population welfare department and district Government Ghotki to provide the better health services for birth spacing to marginalised community of the district. To prepare weekly, monthly and Quarterly reports for further submission

• Community Development Officer
Jul 2005 - Apr 2008 | Larkana, Pakistan

• Community Development Officer with Mercy Corps Pakistan
From July 2005 to April 13th 2008

Worked as Community Development Officer with Mercy Corps International at Regional Office Larkana. By the duties to monitor the overall community mobilization activities in the four districts (Larkana, Kambar-Shahdadkot, Shikarpur & Jacob bad) of ECTB Project Sindh Region to create the enthusiastic awareness among the community, all activities were carried out to follow the Advocacy, Communication & Social Mobilization (ACS) Strategy of NTP & PTP. To collaborate and coordinate with Public Private Partnership for sustainable development, to check and verify the community mobilization expenditures as well as monthly reports for further proceeding. To prepare monthly work plan for Mobilizers as activities could be carried out within the stipulated period. To prepare monthly & quarterly progress report to create the close coordination with NGOs/CBOs/CCBs on gross root level for effective mobilization and out comes, In addition to that supervised the food and non food items distribution, cash for work seeds for cultivation, safe drinking water, pit latrines, and shelters among the flood affected community of district Kambar-Shahdadkot, Taluka Johi District Dadu and Some areas of Baluchistan.

• Community Mobilizer
May 2004 - Jun 2005 | Jacobabad, Pakistan

• Community Mobilizer with Mercy Corps Pakistan
From 1st May 2004 to 30th June 2005
Worked as a Community Mobilizer with Mercy Corps Pakistan at District Jacob bad funded by the FIDELIS by duties to arrange the Medical Camps, Workshops, Seminars on the Tuberculosis (T.B), School awareness session. Meeting with village elders and activists, CBO formation, organise debates and Arts competition in various schools, street theaters and maintaining other official activities.

• program officer with (SRSP) Sindh Rural Support Program
Sarhad Rural Support Programme (SRSP)
Nov 2003 - Apr 2004 | Hyderabad, Pakistan

• program officer with (SRSP) Sindh Rural Support Program
From 1st November 2003 to 30th April 2004
Worked as program officer with (SRSP) Sindh Rural Support Program to monitor and evaluate the different organizational activities of the various projects. In addition to above checking the monthly & quarterly progress reports of the following projects

• Vocational Training & Income Generation for Women.

• Traditional Birth Attendant (TBA) funded by PKP Exploration Ltd Islamabad.
• Team member to conduct the School Evaluation Survey
2002 funded by the US Government and organized by WFP
From March- April 2003

Participated as a team member to conduct the School Evaluation Survey 2002 funded by the US Government and organized by WFP in 111 Schools of Thatta, Dadu, Badin and Tharparkar Districts. My Duties involved collection, verification, Tabulation and interpolation of Girls enrolment attendance and data for five years. Similarly data on teachers training, number and student teacher ratio was collected besides the data collection and verification, the collection of information on physical infrastructure .SMC involvement in the management of the School.

• Manager with Sindh Rural Women’s Uplift group (SRWUG)
Jan 1998 - Mar 2003 | Hyderabad, Pakistan

• Manager with Sindh Rural Women’s Uplift group (SRWUG)
From January 1998 to March 2003
Worked as Manager with Sindh Rural Women’s Uplift group (SRWUG) to train and organise the rural women for various field work as well as aspects of house keeping for detail information the experience certificate is also enclosed here with.

• Junior Engineer
RADE(Research and Development Engineers
Apr 1994 - Jan 1970 | Hayatabad, Pakistan

• Junior Engineer with Research and Development Engineers (RADE)
From April 1994 to December 1998
Worked as Junior Engineer with Research & Development Engineers (RADE) who was providing consultancy services to Government of Sindh on left Bank out fall drain stage-01 project (WMC) financed by world Bank & SDC by duties as Junior Engineer involve the survey and investigation of irrigation channels. Supervising the construction of lining works & Installation of masonry structure on the completion of civil works

• To contact with farmers for forming water user’s associations, individual farmer’s requirements of water check structure and outlets, cropping patterns, proper use of irrigation water according to water requirement of individual crop, water saving techniques, methods to enhance yield suggesting new cropping patterns and marketing of crops.


Shah Abdul Latif University
硕士, , MA Sociology‎
Rural Sociology, Sociology of Development
等级 A+


熟练 3D Creative Skills
熟练 Ability to negotiate with stake holders
熟练 Ability to work in emergencies
熟练 Accounts Administration
熟练 Active Reports
熟练 Adaptive Leadership
熟练 Adaptive to change
熟练 Administrative Management 
熟练 Adobe Technical Communication Suite
熟练 Agricultural Engineering
熟练 Analytical And Information Management
熟练 Analytical Skills
熟练 Aseptic Technique Knowledge
熟练 Base Management
熟练 Behavior Change Communication
熟练 Blochi Language Command
熟练 Capacity Building
熟练 Capacity Building Skills
熟练 Collaboration Skills
熟练 Command & Control
熟练 Communication and Coordination Skills
熟练 Communication Report Writing
熟练 Communication Skills
熟练 Community Analysis
熟练 Community Mobilization
熟练 Computer Knowledge
熟练 Computer Literate
熟练 Computer Proficient
熟练 Condiments Making
熟练 Conflict Management
熟练 Conservation Awareness
熟练 Consortium Management
熟练 Cooordination Skills
熟练 Coordination
熟练 Coordination Abilities
熟练 Coordination and Networking
熟练 Coordination Skills
熟练 Critical decision making
熟练 Data Analysis
熟练 Data Analytics
熟练 Data Classification
熟练 Data Entry
熟练 Decision Making
熟练 Disaster Risk Reduction
熟练 Donor Reporting and Grant Management
熟练 Drinking Water Quality
熟练 Ecellent Communication Skills
熟练 End to End Project Management
熟练 ERP System Familiarity
熟练 Excellent Communicator


熟练 Saraiki
熟练 俾路支语
初学者 旁遮普语
熟练 信德语
熟练 乌尔都语
熟练 英语

Roshan 联系人

Nighat Sultana
UN-World Food Program
Care International in Pakistan