CMAM uses a case-finding and triage approach to provide nutrition and medical care to acutely malnourished children, according to their individual needs. Most children can be treated within their own homes with Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Foods distributed by the Outpatient Therapeutic Programme (OTP); those who have medical complications or lack an appetite are referred to in-patient stabilisation centres for more intensive treatment. Families of all CMAM participants, as well as children with moderate malnutrition, receive supplementary food rations to help prevent a decline in nutritional status. CMAM programmes also work to integrate treatment with a variety of other longer-term interventions that are designed to reduce the incidence of malnutrition, and improve public health and food security in a sustainable manner.
Benazir Nashonuma Program WFP Health and nutrition condinational cash transfer program to prevent stunding
Emergency project assisment food distribution & cash distribution
Running UC level CMAM project
CMAM project
CMAM project
CMAM project
CMAM poject