
I would like to take this opportunity to present some of my strengths, which I assume, would be of interest to you.
Following are some of my strengths that make me a perfect candidate for the position:

o Worked for USAID Project – Education Sector Reforms Assistance ESRA. Specific experience gained in terms of Codes of Federal Regulations & A-133 Audits

o Completed consulting assignment for USAID Project implemented by Save the Children in Tajikistan

o Holder of qualifications relevant to the position, from Leading Institutes:

-Fellow Chartered Certified Accountant – FCCA, from Association of Chartered Certified Accountants UK
-Associate Chartered Accountant-ACA, from Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
-Certified Public Accountant – CPA, from Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Ireland
-Business Finance Professional BFP, Certificate Holder from Institute of Chartered Accountants in England &Wales

o Experience for working for Multinational and Large Scale Local Organizations:

- In Development Sector, such as USAID, The Global Fund, National Commission for Human Development.
- In practice, such as PricewaterhouseCoopers Pakistan and Deloitte & Touche LLP UK
- In Private Sector, such as Fauji Cement Company Limited

o Worked for two Big Four Practices i.e. PricewaterhouseCoopers Pakistan and Deloitte & Touche LLP UK

o Experienced of working with Software developers for developing various modules of an ERP including but not limited to Finance, Procurement, HR and Inventory Management.

o Experienced in developing Internal Control Manuals such as Internal Audit Manual, Financial Management Manual, Procurement Manual etc.

I would be thankful, if given a chance to prove my strengths. My detailed CV is attached.


Manager Internal Audit
Common Unit to Manage Global Fund
Sep 2008 - 代表 | Islamabad, Pakistan

Currently working as Manager in Internal Audit Wing, responsible for Audit & Risk Management for Common Project Management Unit an entity developed by Federal Health Ministry of Pakistan to manage Health related projects, all across Pakistan, in collaboration with an International Organization called The Global Fund [GF]. Currently there are 4 Audit Officers under my supervision. The portfolio for the Project is multi-million US Dollars. CMU oversees a consortium of 12 entities from public & private sectors. I am responsible for managing the overall operations of Internal Audit & Risk Management Department.

Manager Internal Audit
National Commission for Human Development
Feb 2006 - Aug 2008 | Islamabad, Pakistan

Assistant Manager Internal Audit
Fauji Cement Company Limited
Jun 2005 - Feb 2006 | Islamabad, Pakistan

Manager Internal Audit
Deloitte 7 Touche LLP UK
Jan 2005 - Feb 2005 | Islamabad, Pakistan

Manager Internal Audit
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Feb 2004 - Jun 2004 | Islamabad, Pakistan

Manager Internal Audit
A.F.Ferguson & Co [PricewaterhouseCoopers]
Feb 1999 - Jan 2004 | Islamabad, Pakistan


证书, ‎
Fraud Risk Management
Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales
博士, ‎
Accounting & Finance, Finance, Taxation, Audit, RISK MANAGEMENT, Accountancy
哲学硕士, ‎
Business Law, Taxation, Corporate Governance, Ethics, Audit & Finance


熟练 英语
