Cisco Certified Network associate capable of doing routing and switching enterprise-level company or align="left"biMonitoring whole CIS comsats Internet Services network.Configure core router and switches.Provide technical support to corporate customer NTS ,supreme court and others./i/b/divdiv align="left"biNe/i/bbitwork Administrator working in InfoNet Broadband. Managing and monitoring Linux-based servers. bandwidth management control through Mikrotik. Infonet Wireless ISP working with both wired and wireless infra.system configuration and troubleshooting./i/b/div
Manage and monitor troubleshoot completely network infra.application deployment ,server installation and configuration.Application and setver monitoring through zabbix.Manage complete Network infra.ipsec tunnel with operators.MO traffic and its monthly stats.
Established networking environment and documented networking standards. Captured initial requirements of customers by communicating with them over email and phone; developed network prototypes