
Dear Consultant
My name is Zafarullah Bugti living Larkana city. Done MBA in Marketing from Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur, having 13 years experience in Development sector. have worked with different organization like as IRD Global (Interactive Research Development) Indus Hospital HIV Sujaag Project District Larkana(PAVHNA, PAIMAN, SAVE THE CHILDREN US, UNFPA/PNFWH, UNICEF, B.E.F.A.Re, PU AMI (French international NGO Premiere Urgency Aid Medical International), SEMEDA, IRC, JOHANNITER , SAVE THE CHILDREN ITLY, OXFAM NOVIB .Participated in numerous professional developments, capacity building and community development trainings like. 5 days Training on MANAGERIAL GRID LEADERSHIP QUALITIES FOR PROGRAM MANAGERS4 Days Training on (PDQ) Partnership Defined Quality4 Days Training of QIT Community Mobilization Activity5 Days Basic training on Hygiene Promoter4 Days Training on KAP survey 3 Days Training on Community Based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) 3 Days Training of Trainers (TOT) on DRR, Integration, Hazard Vulnerability Capacity Assessment (HVCA). 3 days Training workshop on Men, Caring and Fatherhood Men as Partners for Healthier Families5 Days Training on Support Group Methodology.

Dear Consultant My total Past experience specially focused on community development Activities like Organizing Mega events, putli tamasha, pipit show , village fare street theater, advocacy dramas ,advocacy events , conduct community mobilization event with local community ,conduct meeting with village leader, hujra /chopal meeting. Excellent community mobilization skills Ability to work individually and within a team with limited supervision, a self-starter Able to communicate with in internal and external stakeholders. Ability and willingness to frequently travel to villages and stay at the field. And capacity to be flexible and accommodating when faced with difficult and frustrating working conditions Ability to work in an environment where there are physical discomforts associated with change in weather Experience working in emergency settings, Strong experience providing counseling services that are gender sensitive and child friendly also experience preparation of documentation reports, successful story, brief the foreign / local social visitors regarding project.
I am enjoys learning new and innovative ideas from different project, I have worked in interior district of Sindh Larkana, Kamber Shahdadkot, Shikarpur, Wagan, Nasirabad, Sukkur, Sanghar Badin, I gave the trainings trained approximately 10000 trainees mobilized uncountable community members, government other stakeholders and developed strong networking in all above mentioned district in their catchment areas specially larkana sukkur district . Participates in different between Sindh Punjab rural at Islamabad (survey Program) I have got 3 times best performance award in district Sukkur Badin.
Looking forward to your courtesy call.
Zafarullah Bugti
Cell No 03213023650
Email Address Bugti.zafargmail.com




کمپنی کا لوگو
Community heath Facilitator
IRD Global (Interactive Research Development) Indus Hospital HIV Sujaag Project District Larkana.
اپریل ۲۰۲۱ - موجودہ | Larkana, Pakistan

1= To Launch Multi Program communication & community engagement 2= To Raise Awareness for Break Stigma 3=Develop Supportive net work for Prevention of HIV & for People Living HIV. 

کمپنی کا لوگو
Programe officer District larkana & shikarpur
IRC Oxfam Novib Prevention of child Marriage Project
اگست ۲۰۱٦ - جولائی ۲۰۱۷ | Larkana, Pakistan

1. Support young adult leaders in two districts to work within their groups that are designed to demonstrate measurable impacts on girls’ equality and/or adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR)

2. Develop, plan and organize program-related workshops, trainings and events for communities, youth, girls at risk and other stake holders.
3. Work with project manager to ensure close collaboration with education department & other stakeholders, and convene cross-program collaborations as needed to advance program me opportunities

4. Monitor closely the impact of grants supported by the donor, and provides technical assistance to accurately report on impact;
5. Lead and provide extensive technical assistance to potential and actual grant recipients under the project, through in-person trainings in each of the target union councils, field site visits, phone follow-ups, etc.
6. Perform selected field visits of prospective and current situation; Review of reports (narrative and financial) and other deliverables, on-going communication and field site visits;
7. Dissemination of messages though local FM radio.
8. Organize &conduct TALLIMI MELO in 10 UC. & drive enrollment campaign in 40 villages.
9. Identification of 48 schools & 120 teachers (males & females) from 8 UC of 2 districts.
10. MOU singing with district government to teach LSE (LEARNING SKILL EDUCATION) material in schools
11. Organize & conducted 4 teachers Training workshop in every year.
12. Strengthen 48 School Management committees through sensitization & mobilization.
13. Mobilize 32 local opinion leaders to promote formal education for girls.
14. Conduct \'UC level Education Festivals\'
15. Orientation of 48 SMCs on Right to Education and role of SMC in the law, including tracking of absentee girl students.
16. Increased safe school environment for girls in 50 schools
17. Mobilize 48 SMCs to enhance girl’s safety in schools by having boundary wall, separate toile

کمپنی کا لوگو
S community mobilizer DRR Project
Save the children ITLY
نومبر ۲۰۱۳ - مارچ ۲۰۱۴ | Badin, Pakistan

1. To assist identifying CB-DRR activities e.g. Hazard Mapping for community members and also engage children and youth in suitable engagement / participation session through meetings and sessions.
2. Conduct the process of community mobilization and form village Disaster Management Approach.
3. Provide technical support to the village disaster management committee. In conducting hazard Vulnerability and capacity Assessment and also develop report.
4. Conducting Hazard, vulnerability and capacity assessment (HRVCA).
5. Facilitate VDMC implementation of small level mitigation projects as Identified in (CBDM) Plans.
6. Organize regular drill and awareness raising events at the community level and in school.
7. Distribute emergency kit, tool kit in primary school of 5 villages.
8. To work with school and community for the roll-out- of agreed project activities Formation of Village communities and child clubs.
9. Conduct Capacity building programs at school and community level for VDMCs and also control.
10. To work with Village Disaster Management Committees to come up with community-based Development Management (CBDM) Plans.
11. Facilitate the process of integration of children Club plans into CBDM Plans; in all primary schools.
12. Organize regular drills and awareness raising events at the community level involving all schools.
13. Provide regular and follow up support to communities’ organizations on CB-DRR activity.
14. Distribution of IEC material in all over primary school in flood area.
15. Distribution of 20wheel chair in disable student of primary school in under 10 villages.
16. Provide school equipment table chair, almari, siren fire bobcat torch in all primary schools.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Out Reach Supervisor in CMAM Project
مارچ ۲۰۱۳ - اگست ۲۰۱۳ | Qambar, Pakistan

1=Basic survey in catchments area. 2= Establish a good understanding of the program within the Community3= Support to the Community Nutrition Volunteers CRP (community Resource Person) during screening active case finding, and linking up the CRP with the LHW program. 4= Provide technical support to CRP on mobilization, active case finding, defaulter tracing and home follow up. 5= Regularly supervise CRP for patient follow-up to investigate the reasons for absence and ensure the nutritional messages delivered are in adherence with the messages prepared for the program. 6= Organize and facilitate regular community screening sessions for CRP with the guidance of OTP Supervisors. 7=Organizes monthly report of SC/OTP/SFP/Community mobilization and report on time to the district nutrition officer and provides updates when needed. 8=Provides a daily/weekly/and monthly over view of drug items, SFP materials and wet ration stocks supplied to beneficiaries 9= Prepare activity plan for the screening exercise in consultation with the CRP and OTP Supervisors. 10= Elicit community involvement in case finding, referral, encouraging attendance and minimize defaulters. Follow-up issues related to low attendance rate and defaulters and the underlying problem and propose appropriate solution 11= Seek and provide feedback on screening program implementation schedule and activities plan as appropriate to enhance coverage and maximize impact 12=Ensure ongoing Community mobilization activities including satisfactory active case finding, referral & follow-ups.

کمپنی کا لوگو
S Community Mobilizer
IRC CMAM Project
نومبر ۲۰۱۲ - مارچ ۲۰۱۳ | Shikarpur, Pakistan

1=Increase awareness about nutrition program. 2=Identify malnutrition baby from flood affected area. 3. Ensure timely Submission of daily and weekly screening, session and follow up and defaulter report to OTP Supervisor 4=Increase program coverage.
5= Strengthening case finding, referral, and follow-up & monitoring activities. 6= Facilitates the trainings under the project 7=Empowering the community & increasing Program ownership. 8= Plan, organize and manage all of the activities related to the Community mobilization, including serving as the contact Person to the Community and village leaders 9=Reports any problems in a timely manner to the Nutrition field coordinator.10 = Supervise the activities of community nutrition volunteers on location to ensure quality implementation of activities and ensure communities are sensitized to the program as quickly as possible 11=Plan and organize weekly and monthly the Community Outreach program 12 = Orientate community nutrition volunteer, community health extension workers and health worker on community mobilization part of CMAM.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project coordinator
مئی ۲۰۱۲ - نومبر ۲۰۱۲ | Larkana, Pakistan

1. Develop Sustainable lively hood Activity
2. Provide Small Loan for Small shops.
3. Provide Awareness on better livestock and forming.
4. Providing trainings to community on different Small business5=Basic survey of village.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Hygiene Promotion officer
French International NGO PU (PREMIERE URGENCE) AMI (Aide Medical International)
جنوری ۲۰۱۱ - اپریل ۲۰۱۲ | Larkana, Pakistan

1= Identification of School for organizing & conducting papit show, putli tamasha & street theater in all over school regarding health hygiene issue. 2= Conduct health and hygiene promotion sessions on the health needs identified. 3= Prepare and conduct trainings of community health and hygiene volunteers 4= Facilitate meetings, campaigns on public health and hygiene risks and needs within the target population. 5= Conduct Survey regarding sustainable land use and personal hygienic 6= Organize and conduct KAP Survey 7= Develop IEC Material 8= Conduct needs assessments, planning, monitoring and evaluation of health and hygiene Promotion/education programs in the target areas. 9= Provide assistance with the distribution of materials (hygiene kits, mosquito nets, latrines). 10=Distribution of hygiene kits in all primary school, high school in district Nasirabad 11= Organize papit show, putli tamasha in all over school in flood area regarding health hygiene. 12= Trained 625 Male and females in groups in hygiene education 13= to document schedule plan, field report and update to Hygiene Promotion Team Leader in timely manner. 14=To reduce the risk of water and sanitation related communicable diseases by promoting good hygiene practice in communities. 15= Selection of the most vulnerable, marginalized and poorest of the poor beneficiaries based on criteria 16=Responsible for the identification of sites for construction of latrine. 17= to conduct participatory approach in promoting good water, sanitation and hygiene practices in targeted area 18=Mobilize communities for prioritizing of rehabilitation and recovery activities 19= the hygiene promoter should develop in-depth knowledge of all the villages of intervention and should have close contact with community leaders, volunteers, and activities.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Hygiene Promoter
Basic Education for Afghan Refugee (BEFARe)
نومبر ۲۰۱۰ - دسمبر ۲۰۱۰ | Larkana, Pakistan

1= Coordinate with project staff in organizing of onsite session in flood Effect camp 2= Distribution of hygiene kits in flood effect camp.
3= Health data collection and reporting. 4= Responsible for assessment survey to identify the most vulnerable IDPs in the target area. 5= To document schedule plan, field report and update to Hygiene Promotion Team Leader in timely manner 6= Builds Relationship with Beneficiaries; Works and Communicates well with beneficiaries 7= Arrange Community meetings as per social mobilization strategy for the on-going and planned activities 8=Prepare and discuss weekly/ monthly work plans for the activities mentioned in the DIP with the line mange 9=Submit daily field visit reports with the line manager and highlight the issues to be addressed immediately 10= Learns from others; Demonstrates ability to listen, understand and build experience of others into own knowledge, skills and abilities in an appropriate manner 11=Support to water committees, sanitation 12=Conduct vulnerability assessment at community level 13= Mobilize the community in the effective use of community resources for hygiene promotion and maximize beneficiary contribution

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project co ordinator
unfpa fistula project
ستمبر ۲۰۱۰ - نومبر ۲۰۱۰ | Larkana, Pakistan

1. Prepare inventory registers of surgical items medicines
2. Maintenance of fistula patient’s online data base on regular basis
3. Maintain complete history/ log of patients operation PRC And in of camps
4. Preparation of Budget and CoE on quarterly basis

کمپنی کا لوگو
Senior community mobilization officer Paiman MNCH Project
Save the Children
جون ۲۰۰۵ - ستمبر ۲۰۱۰ | Sukkur, Pakistan

1. Check monitoring spot of LHW health committee (national program)
2. Organize health camp mela & implementation of PDQ in all BHU; RHC in project catchment Areas.
3 Conduct organize mega, local, health camp, healthy baby show in all BHU Catchments area of
4 Represent the organization on various forums as and when require
5. Close contact with EDO health department
6 Document fed backs, stories, and lesson learn for regular reports
7 Perform any other task assigned by the Director Programmers, Project
8 Co-ordinate and conduct group meetings for the promotion of BCC Message
9. Mobilize the community for better understanding of safe and healthy Practices.
10 Assist and promote the organization through networking and advocacy
With partner NGO’s, Local District Government Donors and other Stakeholders.
11. Assists in arranging meetings, training and local and mega events
12. Conduct and arrange training for FHP (LHS, LHW, LHV, DRs, Privet practionars Vaccinators
13. Oraintation of Project in all over BHU, RHC, THQ, Dispensary
14. Introduce the project at community level and initiate dialogue with notables and gate keepers to gain access to the community.
15 the community Mobilizer will work closely with the District Health and National Program, District Administration, Public Representatives and the local NGO/CBO

کمپنی کا لوگو
BCC Manager (Behavior Change Communication)
جون ۲۰۰۵ - جولائی ۲۰۰٦ | Sukkur, Pakistan

1: Mobilize the community for better understanding of safe and Healthy practice
2: Co-ordinate and assist in the formation of community groups
3: Co-ordinate and conduct group meetings for the promotion of BCC message
4: Document fed backs, stories, and lesson learn for regular reports
5: Assist and promote the organization through networking and Advocacy Partner NGO s Local district government donors and other stack holder
6: Represent the organization on various forums as and when required
7 Planning, designing and conducting training program for the village activist and staff members
8. Implemented capacity building program for NGO and provided guidance and supervised the training Activities in field.
9. Will ensure that IEC/BCC materials are available in appropriate place.
10. Arrange community awareness and mobilization activities and ensure the participation of all Community members.
11. Conduct orientation training for teacher getting support for implementation of project activities.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Coordinator
دسمبر ۱۹۹۸ - جون ۲۰۰۵ | Sukkur, Pakistan

1. Supervision of 31 staff 20 field workers 2 LHVS, 4 Supervisors, 1 MBBS female Doctor,1 MHE, 1 FHE and Book Keeper.
2. Survey of the field (Field area 152 Villages
3. Provide Health service to 140000 populations
4. Reports to the Head Office PAVHNA Karachi
5. Brief the foreign / local social visitors
6. Conducting house hold level survey and coding
7. TO collect base line data for poverty profile and village profile.
8. Conduct daily weekly meeting with staff and facilitate them in field related issue and boost up their skill through discussions


Shah Abdul Latif University
ماسٹرز, , Masters in Business Administration‎
sukkur board
بیچلرز, , BSc‎
درجہ B
Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Sukkur, Sindh
انٹرمیڈیٹ / اے لیول, , FSc (Pre Medical)‎

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

ماہر Good understanding of SPHERE standards
ماہر Knowledge of moving emergency relief
ماہر Knowledge of office procedures
ماہر Analytical and reasoning skills
متوسط analyzing market data
ماہر CLTS
ماہر CommunityViz
ماہر Conservation Awareness
ماہر Good counseling skills
ماہر Handling Assignments
ماہر HCWM
متوسط Insurance Writing
متوسط Knowledge and understanding of practical Logistic
ماہر Mobilization
متوسط monitoring and evaluations.
ماہر People Management
ماہر PRA
متوسط Project Cycle Management
ماہر Quality Control Processes Command
ماہر Reporting Writing
ماہر RESTful APIs
ماہر Sensitive About The Local Cultural
ماہر Skills in writing and editing scientific
ماہر Social Studies Subject Command
ماہر Terminal Housekeeping
متوسط Training Developement
ابتدائی Warranty Quality Assurance Process
متوسط أبحاث السوق


ماہر انگریزی
ماہر سندھی
ماہر بلوچی

آپ کن کمپنیز کی پیروی کر رہے ہیں

Zafarullah آپکے جاننے والے

Shahbaz Hussain
Punjab Information Technology board