
Strong academic background and proven experience in the field of Social Safeguards, Programme Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Project Design, Development of Training Manuals, Capacity Building, excellent Project Management, Report Writing, Interpersonal Communication Skills and MIS / Database Development. Vast experience of coordination, presentation and contract management. Proficient in the use of commonly and specialized software’s and internet applications.


Development of Training Material on Disaster Risk Reduction (Save the Chi
 Development of IEC Material against Corporal Punishment (Save the Childre
Development of a Training Manual to Eliminate Corporal Punishment (Cowate


کمپنی کا لوگو
Migration and Reintegration Advisor - ZME
GIZ- Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit- GmbH
اپریل ۲۰۲۱ - دسمبر ۲۰۲۴ | Lahore, Pakistan

Supports the project planning and concept design, including the preparation, organization and moderation of planning exercises and their implementation. Prepares and presents policy recommendations based on research and analyses. Conducts research, compiles, and makes available relevant information, offers and actors in legal migration and reintegration offers (business start-up, job placement, vocational training, psychosocial support and others). Conducts monitoring, ensures quality management, assures a proper communication and documentation of the implementation of project plans and activities in close consultation with partner institutions and conducting activities according to the implementation plan. Coordination with partners advisory structures.  Provides project related information, counselling, advise and guidance to the visitors of the Pakistan-German Reintegration and Facilitation Center (PGFRC).   Carries out advice, provides services and customized reintegration measures to individuals seeking counselling and support.  Ensures a good communication and information flow within GIZ and with all local and international partners

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Manager
Institute of Rural Management (IRM)
اگست ۲۰۱۸ - مارچ ۲۰۲۱ | Lahore, Pakistan

Project Manager     - USAID funded Punjab Youth Workforce Development Project (PYWD)
USAID PYWD project’s objective was to create 10,000 (self & wage) employments for the marginalized youth of the southern part of Punjab. As Project Manager, implemented IMR’s component of this project, which includes institutional capacity building of TEVT sector organizations (TEVTA, PVTC and private vocational training providers) through retooling and upgradation of vocational training institutes and training of Managers and Teachers. Organize On-Job-Trainings (OJT), Entrepreneurship Skills Development and Vocational Skills Development followed by development of business plans and self/wage employment. Supported the pass out trainees with toolkits and microfinance to start business. As Project Manager headed the finance, HR, procurement and logistic sections and managed two district offices and one project office. Major tasks also include Partner management, linkage building, development of training material, field activities management, monitoring and evaluation and preparation of reports.
Project Coordinator – IFAD funded South Punjab Poverty Alleviation Project (SPPAP)
South Punjab Poverty Alleviation Project is an IFAD funded project with a goal to contribute towards the reduction of poverty in in 10 districts of Punjab by increasing income of 135,000 poor households through enhancing employment potential of the people through skills development and support in employment or business development. Currently I am working as Project Coordinator-North and have established districts offices in this region. Major activities includes Identification and coordination with all stakeholders/partners, managing finances, HR, administration of field offices and field training centers, procurement, studies, surveys, tracers and day to day activities of our teams in all districts. Organize seminars, workshops,  Supervised TNA, need identification, screening, pre training arrangements, getting approvals form PMU, smooth running of training institutes/centers, distribution of stipends and after training business development activities.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Migrant Resource Centre Coordinator
Labour and Human Resource Department, Punjab (ICMPD Project)
اکتوبر ۲۰۱٦ - اپریل ۲۰۱۸ | Lahore, Pakistan

Implemented ICMPD\'s project in Lahore as team leader. Established Migrant Resource Center in Labour and Human Resource Department, Government of Punjab and as team leader ensured smooth running of operations. Strengthen coordination and linkages with stakeholders including government agencies, NGOs, INGOs, OEPs etc. Supervised development of Operational Manual, Policies and procedures. Developed tools and databases to run, record and analyze the activities.  Managed sharing activities with other organizations like trainings, seminars, job fairs and community activities. Developed IEC material. Facilitated development of flyers, TV talk shows and radio programs. Participated in TV, radio and live facebook shows as resource person. Developed and processed publishing of newspaper advertisement and sms campaign. Organized stakeholder meetings. Developed capacity building/training material for Teachers, NGOs Management, Government Officials and Union Council Members. Monitored and evaluated the partner’s activities. Provided counselling services to returnee migrants in their resettlement & reintegration and provided support in starting business, getting loans and investments. Produced periodic monitoring and progress reports. 
Provided Support to the Project KAMYAb, Labour and Human Resource Department of Punjab in terms of developing the concept paper, project design, company structure, company TORs, Organogram, TORs of the staff, five years targets of the company, developed financial model with assumptions, coordinated with donors, developed proposal for the donor, developed budgets for the proposal and prepared summary to be approved by the Chief Minister of Punjab.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Migrant Resource Centre Coordinator
International Labor Organization ( ILO- United Nations)
اکتوبر ۲۰۱۵ - ستمبر ۲۰۱٦ | Islamabad, Pakistan

Migrant Resource Centers were to be established under ILO’s South Asia Labour Migration (SALM) project. As MRC Coordinator, I assisted in development of design and TORs of the MRC and coordinated the physical establishment of first Migrant Resource Centre in Pakistan. Worked as team leader of headed programmatic, operational, administrative and strategic matters. Organized consultative workshops and conducted focus group discussions, coordinate with the all respective Govt. departments, UN agencies and NGOs. Drafted and disseminated grievance redressal system and supported in development of online complaints management system for Pakistani migrants. Developed material on pre-departure orientation for migrant workers heading towards GCC Countries. Developed material and conducted orientation sessions for stakeholders, intended migrants and youth in Universities & Technical Training Centers.
Supervise Management, Finances, Staff and activities of MRC. Developing periodic progressive and financial reports of the MRC activities. Acting as the focal person for all the work related to the MRC and responsible for coordination and communication between all the concerned partners. Developed and discriminated IEC material on safe & informed migration, Migrant smuggling and human trafficking.

کمپنی کا لوگو
M&E & Operations Coordinator - CDTA 8309
ADB (Asian Development Bank)
مارچ ۲۰۱۴ - جولائی ۲۰۱۴ | Islamabad, Pakistan

Managed the ADB’s Technical Assistance Project (CDTA8309) in terms of administration, logistics, financial management, ensuring the timely completion of activities, organizing and facilitating the capacity building workshops. Reviewed and analyzed the existing databases being used by selected govt. executing agencies and assisted them to improve the databases and reporting formats.
Performed analysis of existing data and supported different units in their business and decision-making. Supported ADB missions with data and technical assistance. Computed budgets for detailed activities under the CDTA 8309. Assisted Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist in development of M&E System for relevant Govt. agencies. Assisted in preparation of capacity gap assessment reports. Facilitated trainings for Govt. staff on M&E. Conducted post-training assessments, developed monitoring indicators and tools, prepared draft monitoring and evaluation reports and generated monthly reports for ADB headquarters. Maintained the status of ADB funded project in Pakistan, which include assistance in review of LARFs, LARPs, Categorization, internal & external monitoring reposts and management and analysis of affectees’ databases.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Database and Operations Coordination Analyst
ADB (Asian Development Bank)
جولائی ۲۰۱۳ - فروری ۲۰۱۴ | Islamabad, Pakistan

Assisted team leader in managing the ADB’s social safeguard component. Maintained Management Information System on key activities related to safeguards throughout Pakistan Resident Mission operations. Supported MIS Specialists in major executing agencies as required by ADB to develop and maintain an effective MIS. Provided on-the-job coaching assistance to executing agencies and consultants. Provided data support and maintain background research resource on the knowledge base related to safeguards in Pakistan and globally. Updated and prepared monthly, quarterly and yearly monitoring reports for safeguard compliance monitoring requirements. Assisted in development of safeguard MIS for NHA and WAPDA. Reviewed social monitoring reports submitted to ADB from different executing agencies and provided comments where needed. Fielded missions for monitoring and evaluation of ADB funded Govt. projects and facilitated Govt. staff for smooth and timely completion of activities. Accompanied team leader in several meetings with Govt. high level officials. Coordinated with concerned Govt. agencies including Economic Affairs Division, Education Department, Ministries, NHA, WAPDA, NTDC, DISCOs etc.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Operations Analyst
ADB (Asian Development Bank)
اپریل ۲۰۱۰ - مئی ۲۰۱۳ | Islamabad, Pakistan

As operations analyst, provided project management facilitation to the ADB’s Safeguard Unit. Carried out financial, logistics, administration and coordination controls of the unit. Reviewed social safeguards, internal and external monitoring reports of ADB funded projects. Attended trainings conducted by ADB on eOps and other project management tools. Developed and implemented tools to manage safeguard activities relevant to LARP, RPs, LAA, Monitoring and Evaluation and compliance with social safeguard policy of ADB. Provided support, organized and facilitated trainings for Government implementing agencies on social safeguard management. Assisted Principle Safeguard Specialist in screening and categorizing the IR/IP and Environment aspects of proposed projects. Assisted in drafting and review of LARPs/RPs & monitoring reports and coordinated with stakeholders in order to finalize and get the documents approved. Ensured disclosure of all approved public documents on ADB and Government websites as well as physical disclosure among affected communities. Conducted field missions for monitoring, ensure compliance and provide support to the government agencies in implementing social safeguard policy. Assisted in hiring and managing the consultants and contractors for different projects in Pakistan, this also included the international experts. Maintained linkages with all the stakeholders involved/affected by the ADB’s projects. Carried out project management, social safeguard and specially resettlement related advices to the Government and nongovernment implementing agencies. Ensured that all the Bank’s social safeguard policies are implemented. Analyzed and generated comprehensive reports on projects path, progress and speed to ensure on track and timely completion. Prepared presentations on projects progress and gap analysis. Computed budgets of the Technical Assistance Projects. Provided operational support to the ADB and World Bank’s DNA(Disaster Need Assessment) team for Floods 2010 and 2011. Provided social safeguard related data and reporting support to different sectors in Flood DNA activities. Developed and implemented an MIS for tracking and monitoring of projects.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Training Coordinator
Save the Children
جنوری ۲۰۱۰ - مارچ ۲۰۱۰ | Islamabad, Pakistan

As training coordinator, conducted capacity assessment of relevant agencies to deal with child protection and livelihoods matters in was affected areas. Conducted TNA of relevant staff in SC and stakeholders. Prepared training plans for the community, children, relevant Government and SC staff. Liaised with Govt. and NGO’s working in the field of child protection, livelihoods and vocational trainings. Developed Training manuals on Livelihoods, Child Protection, Referral Mechanism, Life Skills, Mine Risk, Disaster Risk Reduction, Safe Play Areas, Education, Community Mobilization and Effective Program Management. Facilitated Training of Trainers at three Districts of war affected areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa i.e. Swat, Buner and Dera Ismail Khan. Facilitated Trainings for Government District Management Officials, Teachers, Community Groups, Nurses, LHVs, LHWs and Save the Children’s Staff. Carried out monitoring and evaluation of training conducted by master trainers. Conducted impact study of the training program implemented. Developed project completion reports and recommendations for future projects.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Disaster Risk Reduction Capacity Building Consultant
United Nations Development Programme
اکتوبر ۲۰۰۹ - دسمبر ۲۰۰۹ | Islamabad, Pakistan

The assignment was to develop training material for children, teachers and community, develop IEC material and organize trainings. For this purpose, I reviewed the project concept document and framework. Conducted risk assessment and focus group discussions with schoolchildren, teachers, community and disaster management authorities to develop contents of training material on disaster risk reduction. Developed training manual for schoolchildren, facilitator’s guide and IEC material. Conducted school safety training. Produced a documentary film on this training and developed project completion report.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Programme Manager
IKI Foundation
اگست ۲۰۰۸ - ستمبر ۲۰۰۹ | Islamabad, Pakistan

As Program Manager performed as team leader and managed all the programs of IKI Foundation. Assistance to the earthquake 2005 affectees, child protection, education and skills development programs for livelihoods assistance and poverty alleviation were the major programs implemented.
Facilitated affected and marginalized families in relief camps, carried out resettlement and livelihoods support activities for them. Under social protection program, established social protection, child protection and complaints management units in Social Welfare and police departments. Established and managed schools for the children of these families. In collaboration with Govt. of AJK, conducted Vocational Training Needs assessment, resource mapping for skills/expertise available in different union councils of AJK. Designed and implementd Mujahed-e-Awal Vocational Training Program by establishing Skill Development Centers in 8 districts of AJK.
Resource mobilization, linkage building and coordination with Govt. UN and other humanitarian partners, headed finance, HR, logistics, and procurement sections. Designed and maintained databases, business plans for pass outs of skill development courses. Assisted these graduates in building market linkages, marketing and sales. Assisted them to participate in exhibitions and market their products on online portals for local and international buyers. Prepared periodic and project reports. 

کمپنی کا لوگو
Assistant Programme Officer
Save the Children
اپریل ۲۰۰٦ - جولائی ۲۰۰۸ | Muzaffarabad, Pakistan

Assisted in the implementation of Earthquake Emergency Programme in District Bagh and Muzaffarabad, AJK. Conducted rapid assessments and reported on the damages caused by the earthquake particularly to the education facilities. Assisted in provision of emergency relief to the affected communities, which includes provision of food and emergency shelter, resettlement of affectees to safer areas, manage emergency education for children by following Minimum Standards of Education in Emergencies. Assistance activities in reconstruction and livelihoods. Conducted TNAs’, organized and facilitated trainings for teachers, children, school management committees and Govt. and NGO’s staff. Developed training manuals and IEC material. Organized series of campaigns.
Prepared budgets of different activities, supervised team of Social Mobilizers, built and maintained linkages with Govt. UN and NGOs and participated in cluster meetings. Prepared situational and periodic reports.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Acadamic Coordinator/Trainer
CARE Foundation
اگست ۲۰۰۵ - مارچ ۲۰۰٦ | Lahore, Pakistan

During my carrier with CARE Foundation, I assisted in development and implementation of School Management System. Managed a cluster of 8 Govt. adopted Schools in their daily routines to ensure quality in teaching and learning. Assisted in allocation and utilization of budgets for Govt. Schools. Conducted TNAs for teachers training and SMC trainings. Assisted in Development of materials on different topics of teachers training. Facilitated trainings of teachers and School Management staff. Assisted in development of syllabus and organizational strategies. Organized school management committees, conducted trainings for them and ensured their active participation in school management activities.

کمپنی کا لوگو
American Lycetuff School (ALS)
جولائی ۲۰۰۳ - جولائی ۲۰۰۵ | Lahore, Pakistan

American Lycetuff is a school network with more than 20 branches in Punjab.
Maintains of building, furniture and other asserts. Finance, procurement and inventory management. Ensure discipline and implement timetable. Prepare daily duty roster. Record keeping of students, teachers and student results. Prepare salary advices and deal with bank accounts. Organize events like parent-teacher meetings, annual supports, aerobics and other functions and maintain good relations with parents were my major tasks during this job.


Sarhad University of Science & Information Technology
ماسٹرز, , MBA‎
Human Resource Management
Aptech Computer Education
سرٹیفیکیشن, Aptech Certified Computer Professional‎
Computer Science

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

متوسط Emergence respo
ماہر Project Implemention
ماہر Academic Development
ماہر Accounts / Manager
ماہر Adaptability Skills
ماہر Build Strong Teams
ماہر Capacity Building
متوسط Child Protection
ماہر Collaborative Leadership
ماہر Compliance Implementation
ماہر Consortium Management
ماہر Cooordination Skills
ماہر Coordination
ماہر Coordination Abilities
ماہر Coordination Skills
ماہر Counseling
ماہر Crisis Management
ماہر Database Impact
ماہر Decision Making and Problem Solving Skills
ماہر Developing partnerships
متوسط Donor Management
ماہر Ecellent Communication Skills
ماہر Effective Communication
ماہر End to End Project Management
ماہر Ensure Collection
ماہر Ensure Conflict Management
متوسط Ensure To Manage Triple Constraint Of Budget
ماہر Excel Sheet
ماہر Excellent communication & negotiation skills
ماہر Excellent Coordination Skills
ماہر Excellent Presentation Skills
ماہر Expense Budget Management
ماہر Expert In Safeguarding and Child Protection
متوسط Familiarity With Refugees’ Chapter
متوسط Family Planning
ماہر Field Visits
ماہر Fleet Management 
ماہر Fluent in English
ماہر FP Programming
ماہر Handling Assignments
ماہر Health program Management
ماہر Implementing Partners
ماہر Interpersonal Leadership
ماہر Interpersonal Skill
ماہر IP Management
ماہر Knowledge Management
متوسط Knowledge Of Electoral Context In Pakistan
متوسط Knowledge Of ITC Technologies
متوسط Knowledge Of Local Laws And Policies
ماہر Knowledge Of Refugees In Pakistan


ماہر پنجابی
ماہر اردو
ماہر انگریزی

آپ کن کمپنیز کی پیروی کر رہے ہیں