
United Nations experience in Pakistan
Fluent in English, Urdu, Pushto and Hindko. Basic knowledge of Arabic
Good Knowledge of Human Rights, Development Issues and Disaster Management
Excellent Interpersonal and Communication Skills
Strong Coordination/Liaison, Reporting and Monitoring Skills
Knowledge of Criminal Justice/Rule of Law/Legal Reforms, Community Development, IDPs/Refugees displacement/Repatriation, Protection of Vulnerable, and Volunteerism, and Livelihood/Skill Development
Skilled in Proposal Development/Grants Management, Budget management and financial control.


Emergency Response - FATA IDPs
Repatriation of Afghan Refugees from Pakistan to Afghanistan


کمپنی کا لوگو
National Program Manager - Rule of Law (Prisons)
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
نومبر ۲۰۱۷ - موجودہ | Islamabad, Pakistan

کمپنی کا لوگو
Repatriation Assistant
United Nation High Commission for Refugees
ستمبر ۲۰۱٦ - نومبر ۲۰۱۷ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Project Administration, Registration, Facilitation, Repatriation Scheduling, Information Dissemination, Conflict Resolution, Liaison, Reporting, Refugee Rights Protection, & Documentation.
1. Provide Advice to PoC on the voluntary repatriation process and ensure they make informed decision on return.
2. Participate in Mass Information Activities informing refugee communities and other relevant stakeholders about voluntary repatriation program.
3. Provide logistical and administrative support to voluntary repatriation border crossing movements,
4. Assist in assessing the specific needs of vulnerable returnees and advise on the responses;
5. Enter data in the database;
6. Enlist belongings of repatriating families to facilitate border crossing
7. Ensure and verify correct family composition registration of new born children before deregistration;
8. Preparation of Voluntary Repatriation forms and other relevant documents
9. Conduct biometric verification and recording correct data.
10. Conduct exit interviews using the exit questionnaire
11. Conduct confidential protection interviews
12. Monitor waiting areas to ensure appropriate treatment of refugees in accordance with AGDM principles;
13. Liaise with relevant stakeholders at all levels of the repatriation process
14. Monitor and provide assistance to person with specific needs
15. Monitoring and Progress Controls (Regular and Daily Progress Reports and Log Sheets)
16. Conducting Survey, Data Collection, Workshops and producing Research Report
17. Repatriation Data Record maintained as per SOP
18. Refugees are facilitated and assisted in return in safety and with dignity

کمپنی کا لوگو
Provincial Secretary (Merged Districts)
Pakistan Red Crescent FATA Headquarter
اکتوبر ۲۰۱۵ - مارچ ۲۰۱٦ | Peshawar, Pakistan

I assumed the charge of Provincial Secretary FATA Branch w.e.f. Oct 2015 to March 2016 as an interim role and successfully delivered the objective on time.
Leading, Development and Review of Strategies, policies and SoPs, Organization Management, Coordination, Organization Development, Administration, Human Resources, Representation, Organization Development, Fund Raising, Networking & Partnerships, Monitoring Evaluation Learning and Reporting, & Resource Management. Supervised Program Managers Disaster Management, Protection, Mine Risk Education, First Aid, Youth, Volunteer and Communication, General Food Distribution, & Organization Development. Looked after Finance, Procurement, Logistic and Program Officer Operations.
As Program Manager Protection (RFL):
To provide Restoring Family Links (RFL) casework support and led regional level outreach for the program. The RFL program helped reconnect families separated nationally/internationally by war, disaster and humanitarian emergencies. Led casework for FATA and responsible for implementing strategies to raise awareness of the RFL program. Involved in networking, forming strategic partnerships, public speaking, as well as skilled in client casework or social work.
• Handle Restoring Family Links casework for FATA which includes review and analysis of incoming requests for service ensuring compliance with program criteria.
• interpretation of policies and procedures and provision of technical assistance and support to PRC FATA
• Maintain current case statistics and monitor internal workflow. Research, compile, and update information related to conflicts, refugee and internally displaced person (IDP) activity, and other significant events for FATA region.
• Train and supervise volunteers and interns in Restoring Family Links casework.
• Represent Pakistan Red Crescent Society Restoring Family Links program FATA with internal and external stakeholders.
• Implement and refine strategies to raise awareness of

کمپنی کا لوگو
Programme Manager Protection (RFL)
Pakistan Red Crescent Society
ستمبر ۲۰۱۴ - ستمبر ۲۰۱۵ | Peshawar, Pakistan

کمپنی کا لوگو
Program Coordinator
Center of Excellence for Rural development
دسمبر ۲۰۱۳ - مئی ۲۰۱۴ | Hangu, Pakistan

Livelihood & Food Security Project Planning, Management, Administration, Coordination, Monitoring Learning and Reporting, Logistic/Procurement Support, Security/Safety SoPs, Staff Capacity Building, Documentation, Representation, Liaison with stakeholders.
1. To manage the Livelihood and Food Security project in the target area
2. To ensure that the program is implemented in accordance with set objective and timelines and
in accordance with ACTED guidelines and standards
3. To ensure that program implementation plans are developed on a regular basis and agreed with the plans
4. Ensure accountability and quality standards are applied to the program at all stages
5. Design and oversee the implementation of an effective monitoring and evaluation system
6.. To liaise with logistics; ensuring adequate planning and communication to ensure program support is provided to the program in a coordinated, efficient, and timely manner.
7. Promoting best practice in the management of staff; adhering to staff manuals, codes of conduct and other relative standards as appropriate
8. Provide support to staff in capacity building and mentoring in the project objective and general management.
9. Manage a multi-disciplinary multi-cultural team in a sensitive way
10. To ensure that all stages and activities of the program are well documented and disseminated as appropriate
11. In coordination with Program Manager and other relevant staff in ensuring that all donor reporting requirements are met in a timely manner and to a high standard
12. Represent CERD to local authorities, donors or other NGO’s, & community.

کمپنی کا لوگو
National Team Leader
ستمبر ۲۰۱۲ - دسمبر ۲۰۱۲ | Islamabad, Pakistan

Research, Training, coaching and guidance of research teams, Supervision, Conflict Resolution, SoPs, Staff Productivity, Motivation. Liaison, M&E, Daily Reporting, Design Synthesis, Events Management, Framework Development, Produce Documentation and Research Report, & Content Development.
• Participating in the training, supporting the Research Director in the training activities, and helping answer questions or address concerns of the researchers and/or Internews/REBOOT team.
• To coach, guide, and answer questions of the field teams.
• Oversee Field Research in designated locations in Pakistan including FATA and KPK.
• Coaching all the field researchers to ensure they are abiding by the schedules, activities, and ethics which has been set by the Internews/REBOOT team.
• Trouble-shooting for all the teams while they are in the field, to ensure both their security and productivity.
• Ensuring that field teams remain motivated and committed to high-quality work throughout their fieldwork, and proactively managing their engagements to ensure this motivation and commitment.
• Acting as a key liaison between the field teams, the Research Director, and Internews/REBOOT staff and security.
• Conducting and overseeing fieldwork in a manner that is in line with Internews/REBOOT\' instructions and specifications, and which respects the communities and individuals with which the teams will interact.
• Submitting oral and/or written reports as requested by the Research Director every day during fieldwork.
• Adhering to the security protocols as set out by Internews/REBOOT\' security staff and advisors.
• Participate in a Design Synthesis Workshop in Islamabad
• Motivating and encouraging the field teams to do synthesis process.
• Helping plan the workshop, and leading several key activities, exercises, and events as part of the synthesis workshop.
• Develop a strategic framework for the analysis of the research findings.
• Supporting the development of

کمپنی کا لوگو
Team Leader - FATA
Norwegian Refugee Council
اکتوبر ۲۰۱۰ - ستمبر ۲۰۱۲ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Heading Sub-Office, Program Management, Administration, Coordination, Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Reporting, Documentation of Shelter, NFI/Food, Protection, Emergency Response, WASH, WATSAN & ICLA Projects. Needs Assessment, Surveys & Disaster Management. Representation, Liaison, and Supervision of Project Officers and Staff. Looked after Logistic, Finance, HR, Security and Support Officer Staff.
Coordination, M&E and Management
• Responsible to develop and implement the strategy regarding Non-food Items, Shelter, Protection, IDP Camps, Hygiene Promotions, WASH and DRR projects in collaboration with the program manager and technical teams.
• Management of program and support staff, program support activities, administration, and security of the base
• Based on the review of existing data on the area, draw up the TOR for, design and cost out a baseline survey and a needs assessment survey.
• Advises the management on the strategy on ensuring protection of those affected by disasters/emergencies in KP and FATA.
Monitoring and Evaluation
• Monitoring and Evaluation of NRC Program at both FATA and Provincial levels. Prepare reports on M&E findings.
• Help revise the project log frame matrix, particularly in the areas of the objective hierarchy, indicators, and monitoring mechanisms.
• Actively participate in the preparation of assessment tools, reporting formats and monitoring tools
• Review monitoring reports; analyze them for impact evaluation and to identify the causes of potential bottlenecks in project implementation.
• Based on the program budgets, design the framework for the physical and process monitoring of project activities.
• Represent the organization at the regional level including general meetings with donors, humanitarian actors, local authorities, protocol meetings, security meetings, as well as sector program meetings.
• Manage the visit of donors’ representatives / HQ visitors / other stakeholders.
• Ident

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Coordinator
Relief International
جنوری ۲۰۱۰ - ستمبر ۲۰۱۰ | Peshawar, Pakistan

UNWFP funded Emergency Response Uncooked Food and Nutrient Distribution Program Lead, Management, Planning, Monitoring Evaluation Learning and Reporting, Logistic and Support, Security and Safety, Warehouse Management, Staff Capacity Building, Documentation, Representation, Coordination, and Liaison
1. To provide day to day management to Relief International-UNWFP-funded emergency response Food distribution project in FATA and KP and the program is implemented in accordance with set objective and timelines.
2. To ensure that program implementation plans are developed on a regular basis and agreed with staff.
4. In conjunction with other team members plan and organize large-scale food distributions
5. Ensure accountability and quality standards are applied to the program at all stages
6. Design and oversee the implementation of an effective monitoring and evaluation system
7. To liaise with logistics; ensuring adequate planning and communication to ensure program support is provided to the program in a coordinated, efficient, and timely manner.
8. Ensuring personal safety and contributing to the overall safety and security of the staff by adhering to security protocols, sharing information, and considering advice and recommendations from Internal Security department.
9. To maintain proper mechanism of Store Issue Vouchers, Store Receive Vouchers, invoices Tonnage summary and stringent compliance of WFP development mechanism.
10. Promoting best practice in the management of staff; adhering to staff manuals, codes of conduct and other relative standards as appropriate
11. Provide support to staff in capacity building and mentoring as appropriate.
12. Manage a multi-disciplinary multi-cultural team in a sensitive way
13. To ensure that all stages and activities of the program are well documented and disseminated as appropriate
14. Ensure donor reporting requirement are met in a timely manner and to a high standard

کمپنی کا لوگو
Agency Coordinator
ستمبر ۲۰۰۸ - دسمبر ۲۰۰۹ | Mohmand, Pakistan

USAID-LDP funded Adult Literacy & Numeracy/Livelihood Skill Development program Planning, Management, Coordination, Liaison, Supervision, Monitoring Evaluation Learning and Reporting, Technical Advice & Guidance to staff, Technical ToT of staff, & Preps of IEC material
• Implementation of Project Activities, Management, Coordination, and representation aspects, & Monitoring.
• Provision of technical support to the field teams on report writing, work plan preparation, preparation of presentations and monitoring of literacy centers
• Program Reporting and Preparation of Training Material for the project
• Training of Field Supervisors as Master Trainers for Adult Literacy
• Preparation of monthly work-plan based upon the target.
• Coordination of the work of Area Supervisors in the agency
• Coordination and meetings with Livelihood Development Program, Literacy Deptt; Education Directorate, Political Agent, Staff and stakeholders.
• Validation/cross checking and compilation of data collected by areas supervisors and program officer
• Record lessons learned and success stories.
• Supervision and field visits to monitor and provide support in the field.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Program Officer
Action Society for Water Supply Environment and Development (ASWED)
جنوری ۲۰۰۳ - جون ۲۰۰۸ | Peshawar, Pakistan

UNICEF/SOSEC, NORAD, NEF, BECS, TVO, EC, Government of Pakistan and NCHD funded Program Planning, Social Organization/Mobilization, PRA, Strategy Development, Awareness Raising, Needs Assessment, Conflict Resolution, Coordination, Liaison, CBO Formation and Capacity Building, M&E, Baseline, Networking, Reporting, Administration, Log and Financial Management, Training, Documentation and Leading.
• Assist in the development of a strategy for the projects.
• Carry out Social Mobilization in communities, conducting participatory appraisals and create awareness. Identify problems and putting solution. Establish and develop village organizations.
• Ensure that the communities are involved in the design, planning, implementation and monitoring of all development proposals.
• Assist the community in the collection of baseline data.
• Carry out linkage building activities to bridge the community and outside agencies both Government and non-government, including projects, programs and donors in the district.
• Provide regular progress on the activities in relation to the work plan and establish a well-defined monitoring system for the activities within the preview of the TOR of the Social Mobilizer.
• Be responsible for administrative, logistical and financial management of the assigned unit.
• Lead and facilitate the field teams in conducting field surveys, need assessments and participatory appraisals.
• Keep close coordination and liaison with field teams, communities and partners;
• Assist the technical staff in organizing community meetings, workshops and campaigns.
• Lead in resolution and management of the community conflicts over project resource utilization in the project area;
• Organize training and exposure to improve knowledge and skill of the project communities and partners in sustainable projects resource management;
• Document and share lessons learnt achievements and successes from the field.
• Assist to conduct social appraisal su


University of Peshawar
ماسٹرز, ماسٹرز ان آرٹس, Political Science‎
International Law, International Relations, Social Development Studies
فی صد 54%
Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU)
ماسٹرز, ماسٹر آف ایجوکیشن, Master of Education‎
Child Psychology, Educational Training, Costing
درجہ A

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

ماہر Asset Management
متوسط Branch Administration
ماہر Compliance
ماہر Concept Based Teaching
ماہر Conservation Awareness
ماہر Executive Presentation Skills
ماہر Grievance Management
ماہر Handling Assignments
ماہر Leading Diverse Teams
ماہر Project Administration
ماہر RESTful APIs


متوسط عربی
ماہر پنجابی
ماہر انگریزی
ماہر اردو
ماہر پشتو

RIZWANULLAH آپکے جاننے والے

Kashif Iqbal
Commissionerate Afghan Refugees (CAR)