A self-motivated dynamics Engineer, seeking a growth oriented and challenging career in a leading organization, where I can contribute my knowledge and skills to the organization and enhance my experience through continuous learning and teamwork. Trying to be the best professional in my field, and trying to polish my skills and enhance my experience
As a Management Trainee Officer main responsibilities are:-
Maintenance of the machines of Printing department which includes, 3 rotary printing machines, 1 Flat Bed printing machine, 3 Steamers and curing machines, Batching machines, Kuster wash machine, Nova jet screen washing machines and IPS colour kitchen.
Scheduled surveying and inspection of rotary equipment.
Preventive Maintenance scheduling, planning and execution.
To manage breakdown faults, troubleshooting and root cause analysis.
Monitoring utility consumption of machines and keeping it within the recommended ranges
Thermal efficiency calculations of gas fired heating chambers and conducting thermal tests.
To assist the top management in quality control.
To assist the top management in production