
Mr. Mohammad Afzal is a senior development professional, trainer and researcher. He holds Masters Degree in Sociology and also a Law graduate. He has a wide range of 11 years of experience working with various national and international organizations and has implemented different projects of USIAD, The Asia Foundation, Oxfam International, UNDP, DAI, British Council and Plan International etc. He has worked with Sindh Education Foundation, IRC, Project Procurement International, SAFWCO, SPO, Muslim Aid International and Civil Society Support Program. Presently, he is working with Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum as Program Manager for Food Security and Nutrition projects. Mr. Afzal possesses extensive interest in human rights, governance, education, food security and nutrition.

Mr. Afzal has also been a trainer and has conducted more than 50 trainings for British Council, Free & Fair Election Network, NCHD , CSSP , IRC, INP, GSF, CDF & SPO. Besides, he has also co-facilitated many trainings for Devcon, Aurat Foundation, Women Development Department & Police Department. All these trainings were delivered on human rights especially on child rights, education, active citizenship and advocacy. By the virtue of his interest, he has been writing on range of social, political and human rights issues in different periodicals of national repute.

He has also contributed to the development of various manuals, researches and training reports which includes research on religious freedoms in Larkana districts, problems of women in rural areas of Sindh and state of education in district Dadu. Mr. Afzal has developed many manuals and modules on interfaith harmony , freedom of information, violence against women, advocacy & interactive teachinG methodology. He has also co-authored three manuals on human rights, child protection & alternate dispute resolution. Besides, he has also developed training reports on human rights, international human rights obligations & child protection.


کمپنی کا لوگو
Manager (Food Security & Justice)
Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum
اکتوبر ۲۰۱٦ - موجودہ | Karachi, Pakistan

 Establishing District Food Security and Justice Forums in project districts Hyderabad, Jamshoro, Sanghar, Badin, Thatta and Karachi.
 Facilitating capacity building of District Food Security and Justice Forums to initiate campaigns on provincial food security policy.
 Develop Local Adaptation Plan of Actions (LAPA’s) for ensuring food security.
 Form Provincial Steering Committee on food security to develop institutional mechanism and provincial food security policy.
 Advocating for implementation of Inter-Sectorial Nutrition Strategy (ISNS).
 Liaise with govt line department i.e. Nutrition Cell of P&D Department, Food, Agriculture, Fisheries and Health Department for ensuring food security.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Program Manager/Team Lead
Civil Society Support Program (CSSP)
اگست ۲۰۱۴ - ستمبر ۲۰۱٦ | Larkana, Pakistan

Facilitating capacity building of youth groups to promote, protect and safeguard civic rights of vulnerable groups.
 Launching awareness campaign months on "Role of Ombudsman, Freedom of Information, Legal Rights, Minority Rights and Violence against Women" for increasing engagement of vulnerable groups to identify and respond issues related to human rights and access to redressal options.
 Establishing and strengthening of Human Rights Early Warning System in the District Police Offices for mitigating the human rights violations.
 Forming Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) groups and facilitating their capacity building on human rights, fact finding and security.
 Managing REAT helpline, referral system and disseminate information of the services in all part of the district to make sure timely information in order to mitigate the human rights violation.
 Facilitate the human rights victims in provision of legal aid through the identified panel of lawyers and District Legal Empowerment Committees.
 Support Darulamans in providing legal aid to women residents, maintain database and also functionalizing Darulamans Management Committees.
 Act as focal person for Human Rights theme within the organization and integrate human rights components with all other components/ initiatives.
 Ensure that all project reports (narrative and financial) are prepared with quality, accuracy and supported by all MoVs as per donor requirement and deadlines.

کمپنی کا لوگو
District Coordinator
Muslim Aid
جنوری ۲۰۱۴ - جولائی ۲۰۱۴ | Dadu, Pakistan

 Overall management of the activities of Shelter, WASH, Livelihood, Health & Nutrition, DRR and Education in coordination with Projects team by maintaining the flow of services.
 Establishing Community Based Organizations (CBO’s) and conducting capacity building workshops of CBO’s for strengthening and enhancing community participation.
 Support Tehsil Headquarter Hospital and two Basic Health Units (BHU’s) to ensure provision of services.
 Support 10 Government Primary Schools for ensuring enrollment and control drop out ratio.
 Develop close working relationships with project participants and stakeholders in order to establish a shared vision and achieve project objectives.
 To prepare the Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Reports and timely submission according to the project activities.
 To develop concept notes for new projects and ensure submission to Provincial Coordinator.
 Supervise the preparation of project(s) budgets and utilization of approved finances; ensure that expenses are incurred in an efficient manner.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Manager
Strengthening Participatory Organization (SPO)
اپریل ۲۰۱۳ - جنوری ۲۰۱۴ | Dadu, Pakistan

 Ensuring the rehabilitation of disaster resilience models in 18 government schools of tehsil Johi district Dadu.
 Facilitating in formation and training of Construction Monitoring Committees for their proactive role in rehabilitation of schools.
 Conducting government teachers training on Interactive Teaching Methodologies.
 Facilitating School Management Committee (SMC) training in order to revitalize SMC’s and development of effective school development plan.
 Formation and orientation of School Council Alliance and building its strong linkages with District Government officials for advocacy on education related issues.
 To conduct evidence based researches supplementing campaign process through sharing of data with decision makers.
 Facilitating the training on Health and Hygiene in government schools.
 Developing and designing advocacy material like IEC WASH material.
 Handling Beneficiary Complaint Mechanism to redress the complaints of community.
 Liaise with district govt officials, civil society organizations, media and other relevant stakeholders for the cause of girl’s education.
 To submit narrative and financial report every three months, following the specific guidelines of the donor.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Manager
Sindh Agricultural & Forestry Workers Coordinating Organization (SAFWCO)
ستمبر ۲۰۱۲ - اپریل ۲۰۱۳ | Thatta, Pakistan

 Establishing 12 Non-Formal Education (NFE) centers for access to post primary (elementary and secondary) girls education.
 Establishing 12 Adolescent Friendly Centers (AFCs) to provide girl adolescents with the access to educational and recreational opportunities within their communities.
 Conduct capacity building trainings for NFE teachers and govt middle/high schools teachers on interactive teaching methodology.
 Strengthening 24 School Management Committees (SMCs) in government girls middle and high schools for school development, increase in enrollment and retention etc
 Train and facilitate SMC’s in 24 post primary girls’ schools to develop School Development Plans (SDPs).
 Developing linkages between dropped out girls and institutions that offer condensed courses to complete post primary education through formal and non-formal approaches.
 Advocating for improvement in policies and implementation practices focusing on community participation in school development processes
 Train and facilitate district education officials in strengthening of district EMIS system and developing District Education Plan (DEP).
 Establish and train Student Representative Committees (SRCs) at girls’ schools with a voice in development and implementation of SDPs & DEP.

کمپنی کا لوگو
District Coordinator
Indus Resource Centre (IRC)
مئی ۲۰۱۱ - ستمبر ۲۰۱۲ | Shahdad Kot, Pakistan

 Ensure filling up of governance monitoring forms of district level.
 Analyze governance monitoring forms & highlight the governance related issues of the district.
 To develop quarterly issue based report of the district such as census analysis, gender violence, education scenario & health conditions.
 To ensure conduct of all field activities including social mobilization, local governance scan, voter education, voter registration, surveys, public meetings, advocacy initiatives, FGD’s & press briefings etc.
 To coordinate & arrange meeting with district govt officials & elected representatives.
 To conduct monthly meeting of Constituency Relations Group (CRG) in an effort to bring forth the issues of the district.
 To ensure citizens engagement with public institutions, government officials & elected representatives.
 Launch advocacy on various burning issues of the district.
 Conducted six Active Citizens Program trainings in Kamber-Shahdadkot and Dadu district.
 Engaged active youth to work for education and become Ilm ambassadors.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Livelihood Officer
Indus Resource Centre (IRC)
اپریل ۲۰۱۰ - اپریل ۲۰۱۱ | Shahdad Kot, Pakistan

 To design and conduct baseline survey.
 Identify needy people through community dialogue and FGD’s.
 Conduct livelihood skills training; i.e. masonry, electrical, paintings, plumbing & tailoring training.
 Regularly monitor the activities at distribution level & off site with households.
 Carry out regularly field visits to implement, supervise & monitor project implementation activities.
 To develop monthly detail work plan to implement the major activities of the livelihood component in the selected villages.
 Coordinate with district govt, PDMA & UN-Community restoration cluster.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Research Officer
Project procurement International (PPI)
اکتوبر ۲۰۰۹ - مارچ ۲۰۱۰ | Islamabad, Pakistan

 To conduct research & assessment on tourism & environment in district Dadu and Thatta.
 Conduct baseline data for environment impact assessment in designated districts.
 Carry out environmental examinations, environmental audit and specialized studies.
 Held meetings with local community and govt officials.
 Develop comprehensive environmental management plan.
 To prepare environmental mitigation matrix.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Public Health Coordinator
Ghazi Social Welfare Association / USAID Project
جولائی ۲۰۰۸ - ستمبر ۲۰۰۹ | Larkana, Pakistan

Introducing community to hygiene behavior, water borne diseases, health risks & hygiene promotion messages.
 Conduct hygiene sessions & mellas.
 Encourage community involvement & participation by implementing different types of activities.
 To conduct training of local CBO’s
 Meeting with community & other stake holders.
 Report daily activities to Project Coordinator.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Assistant Program Officer
Sindh Education Foundation (SEF)
مئی ۲۰۰٦ - مارچ ۲۰۰۸ | Larkana, Pakistan

 Conducting baseline surveys of schools.
 Verifying the numbers of schools & students in each village.
 Mobilizing the community.
 Conduct test / interview for the appointment of teachers.
 Representing SEF in general coordination meeting.
 Report daily activities to Program Manager.


Shah Abdul Latif University
ماسٹرز, ماسٹرز ان آرٹس, M.A (Sociology)‎
Research Methodology, Social Work, Rural Sociology
فی صد 62%

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

ماہر Advocacy & Research
ماہر Evaluating Risk
ماہر Product Designing
ماہر Project Administration


ماہر سندھی
ماہر اردو
ماہر انگریزی

آپ کن کمپنیز کی پیروی کر رہے ہیں

Mohammad آپکے جاننے والے

Gul Faraz Khan
PPHI Sindh
Mehran Khan
society for advancement of rural communities
Shahzad Jabbar Memon
PVDP (Participatory Village Development Programme) Sindh