Bachelors in Computer Science BS (CS) from University of Gujrat, Pakistan.
Experienced Junior Hyperledger Fabric Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the program development industry.
Frameworks / Tools / Technologies
-Blockchain Technologies Hyperledger Fabric, Composer & Explorer, Chaincode & Smart Contracts, REST APIs
- Hyperledger Fabric Network Set-up & Deployment (Performed advanced HLF Operations including)
-Creating Crypto Materials & Channel Artifacts
-Adding new Org in existing Network
-Updating Consortium while network is running
-Install & Instantiate Chaincode
-Running the Network & Invoking Transactions
-Integration with Hyperledger Explorer
-Adding new orderer in existing orderer cluster without disturbing running network
- Computer Programming C, C++, OOP, C#, Java, COAL
- Web Development JQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap
- Script HTML, JavaScript, CSS
- Servers Apache, Maven
- Data Communication JSON
- Databases My SQL, CouchDB
- Search Engine Optimization Organic SEO, Site Analysis, On- Page Optimization, Off- Page Optimization
- Tools/IDE Visual Studio Code, Insiders, NetBeans, Notepad++, Flex, Brackets, Visual Studio, IBM Cloud, Dockers, JWT, Postman
To provide a well-organized degree verification process. To presents the DocsChain which is a blockchain based solution for verifying both newly and already issued degree. Hyperledger based consortium blockchain. Blockchain based system which is used for issuance of degree documents using digitally certificates